Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Compliant Mechanisms, Flexure/Torsion Hinges, MEMS, Microsystems, and Finite Element Analysis
Expert notes that both of Castigliano's theorems are excellent tools in quantifying deformations and loads (external or reaction) of elastic bodies under small- or large-deformation modeling assumptions. He has extensively applied these theorems in finding closed-form solutions for compliances or…

Lasers, Optics, Electro-Optics, Fiber-Optics, and Applications
Expert is thoroughly familiar with most types of gas, solid state, and semiconductor lasers. He contributed to the development of a diode-pumped solid-state lasers. He made design improvements to various continuous wave and flashlamp pumped solid state lasers to improve…

Rheological Measurement
Expert has expertise in applied research and product development combining the fields of rheology and colloidal chemistry. He is experienced with the formulation and rheological classification of dyes and pigments. He has investigated the rheological properties of magnetic and carbon…

Hardware and System Design/Engineering
Mr. Christopher Expert has expertise in systems architecture and hardware design in advanced signal processing and multiprocessor systems, and has spent significant time in the analysis and synthesis of video and audio compression systems. He consults on hardware architectures for…

Electronics and Programming
C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. Expert writes C and C++ programs using Borland C under DOS. Applications include programs to test or operate interface devices, to control communications links, to send and receive data, to perform functional tests of electronic products, and…

Electronic Drive/Power Quality
Expert is concerned with the design, performance, and control of electrical energy conversion devices. He has research, development, and design experience in all types of variable-speed or constant-speed electromechanical drives, including variable-frequency/variable-voltage drives. He designed electric-hybrid, variable-speed drives for automobiles…

Semiconductor Lasers, Photonic Devices, MOCVD Growth
Expert has expertise in many aspects of materials (including crystal) growth, characterization, and devices made from compound semiconductors, especially GaAs and related materials. This includes both liquid phase epitaxial growth and and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of both optical and…

EMF on Biology & Electronics
For 20 years, expert has been involved in studying the effects of radiowaves and 60Hz on people. His work has included participation in a major epidemiological study that showed a correlation between the proximity of power lines and the incidence…

Space/Rocket Systems & Voice Mail
Expert E. Expert, Jr. has 23 years experience in the management of both projects and programs as well as research and development specialty engineering groups. He has a profound understanding of human nature and, as a result, the ability to…