Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Machine Vision, Image Processing, Optics, Illumination, and Non-Contact Inspection
Expert W. Expert, has over 26 years of experience developing and implementing automated inspection, measurement, and control systems. His efforts focus primarily on all types of non-contact inspection throughout the electro-magnetic spectrum, from visible light to infrared, ultraviolet, and NIR,…
Environmental Management
A significant portion of Expert's expertise is involved with assisting industrial manufacturing companies with determining their air emission sources, their facility's emissions, and Potential to Emit. This includes evaluation of whether the company is a Natural Minor, Synthetic Minor or…
Industrial Hygiene, Diacetyl, Peroxyacetic Acid, Formaldehyde, Asbestos, Ventilation, Regulations, Silica, Workplace & Environmental Noise, Ultrasound, Ultraviolet
Expert has worked as a Senior Industrial Hygienist for over 30 years, during much of that time he was a professor in the field. His extensive knowledge base lends a helping hand as a consultant and expert witness. His passion…
Water Pollution Microbiology
Expert's research program has focused on surveys of wastewaters, source waters, and drinking waters for waterborne disease-causing agents, specifically viruses and protozoa. She is working on new technologies for the recovery, detection, and identification of pathogens in water. She has…
Microbiology: Bacteria, Molds/Fungi – Identification, Quality Control, Remediation, Expert Witness
MICROBIOLOGY; BACTERIOLOGY; MYCOLOGY; MICROORGANISM IDENTIFICATION. Expert has expertise in the identification and control of microorganisms including aspects of sterilization, disinfection, and inhibition of microbes. He has extensive background in the application of control mechanisms and chemicals to all environments, including…
Lighting, Vision Ergonomics and Efficiency
LIGHTING & VISION ERGONOMICS; WORKPLACE RADIATION; VIDEO DISPLAY TERMINAL HEALTH EFFECT; OPTICAL RADIATION SAFETY. Expert has worked with numerous medical, technical, and end-user groups to develop new testing systems for visual stress and means of testing the lighting environment and…
Cellular Immunology, stem cells, regenerative medicine,
CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY; CELLULAR IMMUNITY; HYBRIDOMA; IMMUNOCHEMICAL ASSAY. Expert's career has been spent in the area of basic and applied cellular immunology. He is very knowledgeable of infectious disease and the analysis of immune competence in humans and animals. He has…
Institutional Technology, Information Technology Applications, Information Technology used in Europe
COMPUTER-ASSISTED TEACHING. As Dean of the College at Employer from 1978 through 1985, Expert supervised and guided a nationally significant effort to incorporate computers and networking technology into educational programs of engineers and scientists. Since 1988, he has directed a…
Molecular Biology, Molecular Pathology, Polymerase Chain Reaction Technology
Expert has expertise in the adaptation and development of molecular biological techniques to answer medical questions of human genetics, differential gene expression, diagnostics, epidemiology, and pathogenesis, particularly in regard to infectious agents and genetic diseases. The CGS is a multidisciplinary…
Exercise Physiology Nutrition
EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY. Expert is an expert in the bodily responses of people to exercise. He is extremely knowledgeable about the physiological factors which limit or determine a person's ability to exercise. He has studied a wide variety of people ranging…