Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Failure Analysis for Glass, Porcelain, and Metals; Accident Reconstruction
Expert possesses over 25 years' consulting experience pertaining to metallurgy, materials, accident reconstruction, product liability, OSHA worker safety, intellectual property, factory safety and other related fields. In this capacity, his client base has primarily been comprised of attorneys, and his…

Glass Bottles, Beverage Manufacturing and Packaging, Package Development, and Consumer Package Safety
Glass Bottle As the Subject Matter Expert for glass bottles at a multinational beverage company -- a household name -- Expert was responsible for the performance of glass bottles used in 45 Billion consumer transactions annually across 180 countries. This…

Glass and Ceramic Plant Design: Erection, Construction, Start-up and Operation
After 4 years of chemical engineering education, he studied in the Department of Glasses, Ceramics and Polymers of Sheffield University, UK where he has obtained M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. Following this, he has spent most of his early professional…

Fracture Mechanics
Expert's background is in solid and structural mechanics. His training, research, and consulting interests include fatigue and fracture mechanics of brittle monolithic and composite materials (ceramics, concrete, rock, CMCs, MMCs, PMCs), mechanics of interfaces, plasticity, and damage tolerance analysis of…

Glass Technology and Manufacturing
SODA-LIME GLASS MANUFACTURING; GLASS CONTAINER. Expert has expertise in many aspects of the commercial container and tableware manufacturing of soda lime glass. His 27 year technical management career and six years as an independent consultant has focused on all aspects…

Chemistry and Instrumentation, Materials Science, ISO 9001, Regulatory Compliance, Asbestos
Expert has 23 years experience in laboratory management. He was a laboratory/chemistry assessor for two years at the New York Power Authority and a Senior Staff Chemist for Con Edison's Central Laboratory for 21 years. He is a laboratory auditor…