Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Interior Architecture, Project Leadership, Design
Expert is an Interior Architect with 8 years of working experience in Design & Construction Industry. She has designed International Retail Brand concepts and develop stores all over the world. Expert has worked as an Teaching Assistant, Environmentalist, and is…

Sourcing / Procurement / SCM Functions
Expert is a seasoned Procurement / SCM professional with over 30 years of industry experience with a reputed diversified group of companies. He has been heading Procurement / Sourcing / SCM functions in a complex business environment for 23 years…

NBC News Social Media, Digital Media, Marketing Technology Expert w/ Interior Design, Furniture Design, Building & Construction Background
Expert is an interior designer turned branding and marketing expert. As a technology and digital expert, she appears on NBC News as Social Media & Digital Media expert who understands digital compliance & technology. She often appears teaching small business…

Pallets, Unit Loads, Distribution Packaging, Wood Engineering, Mechanical Strength of Wood
Expert has six years of experience in pallet and unit load design. As an Assistant Professor, he teaches pallet and container design at an undergraduate level. Expert is working with pallet manufacturers, retailers, manufacturers, and other final users of pallets…

Furniture Quality Expert
Expert has been in the furniture industry for 25+ years, with a main focus in testing and quality. His ongoing goal is to work with industry professionals and testing organizations in order to make furniture safer and to make the…

Wood Furniture, Design, Production, Importing, Wholesaling, Retail Furniture Sales, and Ownership
He is an expert in wood furniture design. He also has quality expertise in finding manufacturing plants and training suppliers to make a high-quality product. His career in this field spans over 50 years.

Furniture Industry, Seating, Tables, Hospitality, Personal Injury, Marketing, Manufacturing, Sourcing
Expert is highly experienced in Strategic Consulting, Expert Witness and Litigation Consulting work. His expertise encompasses most areas of the furniture industry. He has developed specialized knowledge and recognized hands-on experience in seating and tables. He also has strong credibility…

Creation of Marketing Tools and Execution of Business Strategies and Planning For Start Up Through Mid-Size Businesses
Professional Experience: 1. Created a consulting company (The Next Market/TNM) that has served over 65 clients worldwide in a wide variety of industries over the past 18 years. Clients include Chrysler, Seimens, Calvin Klein, Juicy Couture, Aurora, Delphi and others,…

Medical Device, Fabrication, White Goods, Automotive
Expert is a motivated, experienced, professionally qualified, results driven Manager with proven track record and strong, man management and team building skills. MSc in Manufacturing Management- Open University (UK). Professional Experience in: 1. Productivity and manufacturing efficiency improvements, through implementing…

Custom Woodworking, Manufacturing, Recycling, Entertainment Center Wall Units Stretegic Planning
Expert has been recognized by the American Furniture Industry as the "Grandfather" of the entertainment center he designed in 1981 and has become the symbol of this category of furniture. Expert is the founder of San Diego Design the manufacturer…