Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Pulping,Fiber Raw Material, Biomass,Sourcing,Processing and Quality Control; Occupational Safety
Expert has 47 years of experience in the forest products industry. At Weyerhaeuser, he initiated the Fiber Raw Materials Technology program that developed and implemented processes and quality assessment methods to maximize the value of wood and non-wood fiber sources.…

Food and Agriculture
A consultant in agriculture engineering, Expert holds a diploma in Business Management and an MBA in Finance. He is a seasoned professional with over 29 years' experience in senior management roles -- CEO, MD, and COO -- in agriculture and…

Engineering, Construction, and Standard of Care
Expert has 25 years of engineering experience working on regional, national and global projects including the design, engineering, construction and commissioning of numerous residential, commercial and industrial facilities. He has provided subject matter expertise in engineering, engineering management, facility design…

Paper Mill Operation and Management, Pulping of Non-Wood Resources, Specialty and Fine Papers.
Expert started his career training with Wiggins Teape in the making of banks and bonds, greaseproof and glassine papers. He then moved to Clyde Paper Company as a production assistant making on- and off-machine wood-free coated grades. For 12 years…

Pulp and Paper
Expert has worked for over 50 years in the pulp and paper industry. All phases of mill operations (20 years) plus 30 years of consulting on mill operations, feasibility studies, capital cost project development, audits, due diligence, expert witness, bank's…

Corrosion, Materials Selection, Fabrication
Expert has worked in the area of sulfuric acid plant corrosion and materials selection for the past 18 years and has been involved in the materials selection of some of the worlds largest sulfuric acid plants. Expert has performed failure…

Industrial Accident Investigation
Worked for 16 years in a PSM-covered facility; developed, implemented, and reported on OSHA PSM compliance for the site. Trained PHA study leader and incident investigator. Industrial Experience: • Unit Operations: Distillation, Filtration, Extraction, Drying, Piping Systems • Heat Exchanger…

Carbides, Nitrides, SiAlON, Powder Synthesis & Processing, Ceramics Development & Fabrication
Technology: R&D + Engineering, Advanced Ceramics and Materials; Powders and Parts; Synthesis – processing – handling - transfer – ready-to-press feedstock – fabrication of parts – consolidation - finish - marketing. Development, processing and fabrication of fine and ultra fine…

Sustainability, Environmental Chemistry, Water and Wastewater Treatment
Treatability studies and process design for chemical, photochemical and biological treatment of groundwater, wastewater, and leachates. Utilization of respirometric technique for biological treatment of wastewater, soil bioremediation and evaluation of toxic effect of pesticides and heavy metals on biological systems.…

Fungal Degradation of Wood, Wood Preservation, Forest Products, Bioconversion and Bioprocessing
Expert is Expert at a nationally ranked university. He is highly experienced in the Forest Products Industry and has strong expertise in a number of areas ranging from the Structural Degradation of Wood by Decay Fungi, to the Production of…