Expert Details
Pulping,Fiber Raw Material, Biomass,Sourcing,Processing and Quality Control; Occupational Safety

ID: 723100
Washington, USA
Fiber Raw Materials Technology program that developed and implemented processes and quality
assessment methods to maximize the value of wood and non-wood fiber sources. He managed
departments that focused on fiber raw materials and pulping and bleaching processes. A shift in career
focus took him to the occupational safety and health field as Director of Technology Safety and Western
Region Pulp and Paper Safety Coordinator. He returned to R&D as a Senior Scientific Adviser and was
regarded as the leading expert in his field, frequently providing on-site technical support from the forest
through the pulp mill.
Expert's involvement in technical associations has allowed him to build a global contact network. Now
aided by the internet, he can quickly make contacts to access the experience and expertise of others,
learn of new technology and business developments and obtain data that would not be available through
other sources.
As a consultant, his focus continues to be on fiber raw materials supply, processing and quality. Based
on his broad experience at Weyerhaeuser, he is able to provide a unique perspective to mills that do not
have access to the in-depth technical support that he can provide. His forest-to-product view allows him
to bridge the gaps that often exist between fiber suppliers and fiber users. In this way, implementation of
solutions have longer-term impact and benefits.
As an educator, Expert can not only teach his knowledge to others, but is skilled in developing courses that
meet the unique needs of adult learners. In TAPPI, he participated as Board Education Chairman of the
program that obtained certification of their education products by the International Association for
Continuing Education and Training. IACET's programs certify learning at all levels, including university
Expert has served as an expert witness in a variety of cases, including a shipboard fire on a boat
carrying wood pulp, spontaneous combustion of waste wood in home construction, injury of a worker
doing welding in a Kraft pulp mill digester and two wood processing equipment patent infringement
cases. He is experienced in preparation of testimony, deposition statements and court appearances.
Occupational safety and health has been an active part of Expert's career. Shortly after starting work at
Weyerhaeuser, he joined the local volunteer fire department near his home. His leadership and
teaching skills resulted in being promoted to Station Lieutenant and Training Officer. At work, he lead
safety committees and developed a process for analyzing project safety prior to beginning new work or
going out to mills for sampling and testing. When the Weyerhaeuser Technology Center identified the
need for a stronger emphasis on safety, Expert was chosen to be the Director of Technology Center Safety.
This role was expanded to include the Western Region pulp and paper mills as Western Safety
Manager. This focus on safety continues in Expert's consulting work. While working on projects in the field
or at mills, he includes identification of safety hazards and opportunities for improving the safe behavior
of employees in his reports. He has personally never had a serious workplace accident or injury.
He has provided gate to digester audits at two New Zealand pulp mills to determine methods of optimizing the use of conifer and hardwood plantation species.He is leading a team on a retainer basis to increase the yield of pulp from woods, woodyard and wood products residual sources. The organization is made up of woodlands, woodyard and pulp mill segments that have historically not worked together on projects requiring team cooperation, development of mill-wide data bases and total mill economics.He analyzed the wood supply and processing system for a southern US pulp mill and identified the opportunities for process changes that would increase the pulp yield by 1% point, roughly equal to $8-10 million per year savings.He developed and coordinated implementation of a chip quality control program for a pulp mill with 15 primary suppliers. The resulting data allowed the mill to recommend changes at their supplier sawmills that improved paper quality and justified bonus payments for improved chip quality.As primary technical resource of a municipal solid waste recovery company, implemented the capability to characterize the components of municipal waste and determine the yield and quality of fiber and co-products recovered in a novel waste processing system.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1966 | Degree: BS | Subject: Wood Technology | Institution: University of Washington |
Year: 1967 | Degree: MS | Subject: Pulp and Paper Science & Engineering | Institution: University of Washington |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1967 to 2003 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Senior Scientific Advisor | Department: Research & Development |
Responsibilities:He initiated the Fiber Raw Materials Technology program that developed and implemented processes and quality assessment methods to maximize the value of wood and nonwood fiber sources. As a Senior Scientific Advisor he was regarded as the leading expert in his field and provided on-site technical support from the forest through the pulp mill. During his career, he was a strong safety advocate and managed the Western Corporate Region Safety and Health Program. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2002 to 2003 | Country / Region: New Zealand | Summary: Assessment of utilization of plantation conifers and hardwoods. |
Years: 1976 to 1979 | Country / Region: Surinam | Summary: He lead a project to utilize mixed and plantation tropical hardwood forests for pulp and paper use, including developing chemical treatment methods for fast-deteriorating chip piles. |
Years: 1981 to 1984 | Country / Region: East Kalimantan Province of Indonesia | Summary: Evaluated the wood and pulping properties of all commercial hardwood species in the forests in the Weyerhaeuser concession. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
TAPPI - Fellow and Distinguished Service Award Forest Resources Association - Education Consultant Pulp and Paper Safety Association |
Professional Appointments |
Senior Technical Editor - TAPPI Journal; Affiliate Professor - University of Washington, Lower Columbia College |
Awards / Recognition |
TAPPI Distinguished Service Award TAPPI Fellow TAPPI Outstanding Local Section Member TAPPI Division Leadership & Service Award Outstanding Alumni and Lifetime Service Award at University of Washington School of Forest Resources |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has published 17 articles, authored 2 chapters in pulp and paper textbooks, and scripted 2 CD-based education programs |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Has served as an expert witness in cases involving shipboard fire of a boat carrying wood pulp, spontaneous combustion of wastewood in home construction,injury of a worker doing welding in a kraft pulp mill digester, patent infringement in wood chip production and processing equipment. |
Training / Seminars |
Organizing chairman - TAPPI Chip Preparation and Quality Short Course (Undisclosed); Organizing Chairman and Instructor - Australian Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association Chip Production and Quality Course ((Undisclosed)to present); Organizing chairman - TAPPI Kraft Pulping Short Course (Undisclosed); Co-chairman - PAPTAC Kraft Pulping Course (Undisclosed); Organizing Chairman - Introduction to Pulp and Paper ((Undisclosed)- University of Washington); Chairman - TAPPI Pulp Screening and Cleaning Short Course ((Undisclosed)); Seminar Chairman - TAPPI Pacific Section Annual Seminar (Undisclosed) |
Vendor Selection |
Evaluated vendor products and performance for most woodyard and woodroom design and modernization projects at Weyerhaeuser, including pilot plant evaluations and mill trials. As a consultant, evaluates the opportunities for production system improvements and recommends equipment to achieve performance goals and maximum returns. |
Marketing Experience |
Well-known globally for knowledge of fiber raw materials sourcing and quality control. Maintains a network of industry leaders in chip production and quality, including new sources of raw materials. This includes not only forest materials, but also wood waste, nonwood fibers and fiber recovery from municipal solid waste. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert in using digital photography to document field and mill observations, close-up photography of samples to illustrate causes and solutions to process problems and documenting safety inspection and investigation findings. Extensive background in tracing pulp dirt defects back to their cause based on fundamental knowledge of potential raw material and process related contamination. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
Spanish | He is able to translate technical information with some use of references. |
Fields of Expertise
sapwood, scrap wood, springwood, wood forestry, alder wood, ash wood, balsa wood, beech wood, birch wood, cypress wood, elm wood, energy-efficient wood processing, eucalyptus wood, fir wood, hazardous waste handling equipment, larch wood, lignin, mahogany wood, poplar wood, pulp-and-paper technology, pulping technology, recycled pulp-and-paper fiber, redwood, safety technology, agricultural-residue fuel, biomass, biomass fuel production, contractor safety, crop-residue fuel, forest residue fuel, cellulosic pulp, forest product, hemlock wood, pine wood, pulp quality, pulpwood processing, pulp chemistry, pulp manufacturing, pulp processing, pulpwood, wood by-product, wood product, expert testimony, veneer, accident photography, health safety, equipment safety, employee safety, expert witness, tropical wood, cellulose fiber, electrical hazard, eye safety, digital camera, digital photography, Douglas fir, pulp equipment, bulk materials handling, f-number, delignification, photograph, color photography, fuel production, decompression, federal safety regulation, pulp mill machinery, pulp mill, confined space safety, handling equipment, materials handling equipment, materials handling, continuous quality improvement, hazardous material handling, low ash crop residue fuel, waste assessment, materials recycling, material storage, slash fuel, crop fuel, municipal solid waste, municipal waste, wood, timber wood, tension wood, solid waste, renewable energy source, reclaimed fiber, reaction wood, pulping raw material, pulping, photography, latewood, heartwood, hardwood, electrical safety, deciduous wood, coniferous wood, compression wood, chemical safety, camera, broadleaved wood, biomass fuel, accident investigation