Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Data Storage Technology, Data Storage Industry, Hard Disk Drives, Optical Drives, Solid State Drives
Expert has extensive experience in the field of disk drives, including substantial contributions to a number of very innovative and successful products and processes. These have included some of the industry’s earliest magnetoresistive (“MR”) head drives, Maxtor’s first double-capacity drive,…
Industrial Hygiene, Safety, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Asbestos, Lead Based Paint, Environmental
Performed indoor air quality assessments for over twenty years. Experienced in testing for fungi (mold), bacteria, endotoxins, allergens, volatile organic compounds (VOC), welding fume, asbestos, silica, particulates, and gases. Managed and performed numerous asbestos projects for over twenty years. Inspected…
Fastener Engineering, Fastener Failure Analysis, Fastener Quality Evaluation, Forensic Analysis.
Expert specializes in: Fastener Failure Analysis, Training, Operations Improvement, Quality Systems and Continuous Improvements, Technical Marketing, Cost Reductions, Fastener Deproliferation, ISO 9000 and Product Manual Preparation and Updating, Customer Satisfaction Metrics and Analysis, Process Mapping and Root Cause Analysis, Calculating…
Water and Wastewater Treatment, Nanofiber and Nanotube synthesis, Waste To Energy
Has 16 issued patents in the field of water and wastewater treatment, including membrane, electrochemistry, ion exchange, softening, adsorption, zero discharge, chromatographic separation of mixed metal wastes. Also has multiple pending patents in emerging water technologies including Forward Osmosis, Low…
Titanium & Aluminum Anodize, All Plating and Finishing
Expert is an inventor with the following: USPTO Patents Awarded: Pat. No. (Undisclosed) Pat. No. (Undisclosed) Pat. No. (Undisclosed) USPTO Patents Pending: App. No. (Undisclosed) App. No. (Undisclosed) Expert has thirty-five years of Working and Consulting in Electrochemical Engineering, Chemistry…
Management and Technology for Aluminum, Magnesium, Chemicals and Environmental
Directed the evaluation and selection of technology recommended for aluminum smelter expansions and new green site facilities. Directed equipment and technology retrofit in an operating plant to increase metal production by 10%. Directed the replacement of an existing plant-wide process…
Electrical Power Engineering, Energy Auditing
Expert teaches a course on the theoretical and practical aspects of alternating current transformers. This course is a must for utility and industrial electrical engineers, who have the responsibility of keeping their electrical system on-line. A transformer is a very…
Materials for Electronic Applications
Expert has successfully writen 2 proposals for EPA SBIR grants. The first was for a phase 1 program for the recovery and regeneration of spent etchants. This successful program was followed by a phase 2 proposal and award. That phase…
Materials Engineering for New Designs, Cost Reduction, and Yield Improvement
Expert's experience includes: 1) Working with mechanical and electrical engineers to help make decisions about the materials and processed used to manufacture a product. The decisions include consideration of cost, manufacturability, materials and components lot-to- lot variations, reliability, materials availability,…
Metal Finishing, Parts Cleaning, Electroplating, Electroforming
Expert has production experience with cyanide copper, pyrophosphate, and acid copper plating baths. He has worked in a laboratory environment with both the fluoroborate and alkaline non-cyanide baths. He has used these baths for PWB plating, wafer plating, electroforming, plating…