Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Rural Development, Micro Project Development, Micro Enterprise, Micro Finance, and Community Development
Expert has associated with many development projects and programmes, which have included and expanded micro-studies and action research methodologies on problem diagnoses, gap analyses, Sustainable Livelihood Analysis, Enterprises analysis, Marketing Analysis, Monitoring studies, vulnerability assessment, evaluation studies, and the related…
Industrial Resource Efficiency, (CDM, VER) Investment, Renewable Energy, European Solar Markets.
Experts field of understanding includes Energy and Carbon Footprint Management, Resource efficiency consultancy (water, Energy and Waste) residential, Public sector, commercial and industrial. Climate Change Levy verification, Carbon credits and Carbon Reduction Commitment CRC; Energy technology products certification, third party…
Locomotive and Railcar Certifications, Safety and Quality Audits, and Equipment Acquisition
Expert was employed by Southern Railway (Norfolk Southern) from 1969 until 2003. He worked in the Car/Mechanical Department as a Carman, Lead man,Engine Carpenter and Supervisor. During these years he gained experience in car repair, inspection, welding, derailments, Derrick operation,…
Real Estate: Commercial Appraisal, Appraisal Review, Economics, Investment Analysis
Expert has 20 years experience as a full professor at major universities in research, developing and teaching graduate courses in income property appraisal and investment analysis; and an additional 20 years practice as an expert witness in complex high stakes…
Firearms Functioning, Design, Manufacturing; History & Identification, Gunsmithing, Ballistics, Ammunition, Airguns
Expert Witness - Firearms, 30 years’ experience: Testified in State and Federal Courts, patent, liability, and criminal cases. Books have been cited as "Best Evidence" Qualified in firearms functioning, firearms technology, firearms history, firearms identification, and ballistics (interior, exterior, terminal…
Microfinance, Microenterprise, Livelihoods, Value Chain, PSD,Economic & Financial Analysis, PME, ROM
* “Shrimp and Fish Culture Development Project” The project aimed at livelihood support to people below poverty line and, was developed and implemented through public-private partnership. As a management consultant, worked out economics of the project and working capital requirement;…
Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Financial Management
He has a rich experience in the areas of Journal Entries, Book keeping, Drafting Financial Statements, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement, Understanding of adjustment entries, Depreciation, Basic Accounting Concepts, Single entry accounting, Double entry accounting, Rectification…
Food Technology, Grain Processing, Edible Oils, Feasibility Studies, Project Appraisal
Mr. K.L. Expert has eight years of (1.5 years in private and 6.5 years in public sector organizations) experience as a research and Development Scientist. Designing and setting up a laboratory for testing of fire proof plywood. Process Development for…
Engineering Economics, Productivity Improvement, Cost Reduction, Supply Chain
Expert has applied discrete-event simulation to help increase efficiency in several industries using SIMNET II and ProcessModel. Some of his projects include a simulation model of a BOF (Blast Oxygen Furnace) for a steel mill, a complete process model for…
Electrical Power Engineering, Energy Auditing
Expert teaches a course on the theoretical and practical aspects of alternating current transformers. This course is a must for utility and industrial electrical engineers, who have the responsibility of keeping their electrical system on-line. A transformer is a very…