Expert Details
Microfinance, Microenterprise, Livelihoods, Value Chain, PSD,Economic & Financial Analysis, PME, ROM

ID: 726101
* Rural Enterprise Promotion Program (REPP) of SIDBI (Small industries Development Bank of India): The project aimed at promotion of enterprises for alternative source of economic development. Accordingly, identified potential NGOs for implementation of microfinance and enterprise development programmes in Orissa and West Bengal; assessed their capability; periodically monitoring the use of the released funds. Provided BDS (Business Development Services) to the individual organizations and beneficiaries in terms of access to skills training, markets and other forward/backward linkages.
* Promoted microfinance and set up enterprises for members of Self-Help Groups (SHGs); Developed procedures for Credit and Savings operation; measuring performance of Loan portfolio growth and quality; provided technical assistance and built capacity of the staff; Imparted training on micro-finance and micro-enterprise for NGO functionaries; Provided technical guidance to Micro-finance Practitioners as Microfinance Specialist - Client: Planet Finance, India.
* Worked with NGOs in developing projects for livelihood support of the underprivileged people along with village institutions, prioritizing through need analysis. Conducted over 70 pre-finance appraisals related to microenterprise, watershed, health, and other social-development projects on behalf of international funding organizations. Monitored the progress in the implementation of programme activities and resource utilization by the NGOs on a quarterly basis. Assessed the impact of the projects and suggesting the donor agencies regarding further continuation of the projects.
Research Studies on Development Issues
* Studied the economics of shifting cultivation continuously for 3 years in 8 districts, taking note of each cycle and stage of cultivation, and suggested viable alternatives to Government of Orissa and SIDA.
* Studied a group involved in cooperative handicraft activities in 10 districts and, based on the findings, suggested forming a producers' association, which materialized as Orissa Rural and Urban Producers Association (ORUPA).
* Conducted baseline study on marine fish marketing in coastal districts of Orissa.
* Conducted impact-assessment of Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) project in 5 districts of Orissa.
* Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) Sector policy analysis, mid-term investment plan through financial modelling and working out pricing strategy for rural water supply (World Bank funded bilateral project)
* Domestic Restructuring Implementation Specialist: Financial modelling and working out multi-tariff system for Power Sector of Assam, India. (Asian Development Bank funded bilateral project)
* Microfinance programs business plan preparation through finance modeling.
Expert has experience in technical support and strategic direction in the development and solidification of the livelihoods component in Africa and India, including value chain programme design, financial and private sectors engagement and building the programme linkage with urban poor, and devising appropriate implementation strategies and processes. Also, he developed Proposal for EC projects and general proposal.
He was Rural Development and Capacity Building Specialist for Setting up of Pan-Nagaland e-Human Resources Training (HRT) Hub : Conducted a pre-finance feasibility study of the proposed project through visiting sample districts of Nagaland State.
He was Urban Livelihoods Consultant for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees): Formulation of actionable livelihoods strategies to reinforce and develop displaced populations’ capacities livelihood assets and outcomes, address capacity gaps, and enhance their access to employment/self-employment opportunities; recommendation for implementation and partnership arrangements; and selection of baseline indicators to enable regular assessment of changes in socio-economic profiles, livelihood assets and outcomes of displaced population groups, inclusive of age- and gender-differentials.
He executed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities viz. integrated health, women empowerment, vocational training, non-formal education etc. for the displaced families and also for the villagers residing in the vicinity of the steel plant site.
He has enormous experience in the following:
Civil Society Support Programme through NGOs
- Project Development: Worked with NGOs in developing projects for livelihood support of the underprivileged people along with village institutions, prioritizing through need analysis;
- Project Appraisal: Conducted over 70 pre-finance appraisals related to micro-enterprise, watershed, health, and other social-development projects on behalf of international funding organizations;
- Monitoring: Monitored the progress in the implementation of programme activities and resource utilization by the NGOs on a quarterly basis;
- Evaluation: Assessed the impact of the projects and suggesting the donor agencies regarding further continuation of the projects. Evaluated 10-years’ development programmes of Diocese of Varanasi for livelihood support and worked out future plan of action. Also conducted concurrent evaluation of Integrated Rural Development Project of Government of India;
Enterprise Development Support: Shared know-how on business start up with entrepreneurs, and built awareness among potential and upcoming entrepreneurs through radio programme.
Research Studies on Development Issues: As part of a research team studied –
• The economics of sifting cultivation continuously for 3 years in 8 districts of Orissa in India;
• Groups involved in cooperative handicraft activities in 10 districts of Orissa in India;
• Marketing of marine fish in coastal districts of Orissa;
• Conducted impact-assessment of Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) project in 5 districts of Orissa.
In addition he has experience in teaching, capacity building and developing course modules.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2001 | Degree: MBA | Subject: Finance | Institution: Utkal University |
Year: 1989 | Degree: Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (Master Degree) | Subject: Rural Development | Institution: Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS) |
Year: 1986 | Degree: Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) | Subject: Accountancy | Institution: Utkal University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to 2009 | Employer: UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refigees) | Title: Livelihoods Consultant | Department: Operational Solutions and Transition Section (OSTS) Division of Operational Services |
Responsibilities:Formulation of actionable livelihoods strategies to reinforce and develop displaced populations’ capacities for livelihood assets and outcomes, address capacity gaps, and enhance their access to employment/self-employment opportunities; recommendation for implementation and partnership arrangements; and selection of baseline indicators to enable regular assessment of changes in socio-economic profiles, livelihood assets and outcomes of displaced population groups, inclusive of age- and gender-differentials. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2008 to 2008 | Employer: Jindal Stainless Limited (JSL) | Title: Head CSR (Orissa) | Department: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) |
Responsibilities:He implemented Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) activities viz. integrated health, women empowerment, vocational training, non-formal education etc. for the displaced families and also for the villagers residing in the vicinity of plant site. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to 2007 | Employer: Centurion School for Rural Enterprise Management (CSREM) | Title: Consulting Professor (Finance and Rural Development) | Department: Finance |
Responsibilities:He prepared course modules and taught course papers to students of Post Graduate courses on Project Finance, Rural Development and Rural Livelihood Promotion. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2006 to 2007 | Employer: SMEC-India Private Limited | Title: Principal Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:- Domestic Restructuring Implementation Specialist for Power Sector of Assam, India. (Asian Development Bank funded bilateral project)- Team Leader for Monitoring and evaluation of Development Plan projects of North Eastern Council (the largest council of India) in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2002 to 2006 | Employer: Various Clients | Title: Independent Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:Provided technical support, training, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment on an individual capacity. Some of the assignments were as follows:1. Impact assessment of Inter Aide’s development program in India (Inter Aide is an INGO having Head Quarter in France) as Microfinance Specialist- Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of France. 2. Impact assessment study of Micro Finance program of ASA supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, U.K as Microfinance Specialist - Client: Action for Social Advancement, Bhopal, India. 3. Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) Sector policy analysis, mid-term investment plan: RWSS policy analysis, mid-term investment plan through financial modelling and working out pricing strategy for rural water supply (World Bank funded bilateral project) as Financial and Social Specialist - Client: Dept. of Drinking Water, Govt. of Uttaranchal, India. 4. Micro-Credit capacity-building need-assessment of Centre for Youth and Social Development, Bhubaneswar as Microfinance Specialist - Client: Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) Foundation for Micro Credit, India. 5. Training on micro-finance and micro-enterprise for NGO functionaries of UP, MP and Uttaranchal as Trainer - Client: Find Your Feet (FYF)-UK, India 6. Technical Guidance to Micro-finance Practitioners as Microfinance Specialist - Client: Planet Finance, India 7. Mentor support to PREM’s micro-finance program (Financial Support by SFMC, India) as Micro-Finance Specialist - Client: Peoples’ Rural Education Movement, Ganjam, Orissa, India 8. Financial Analysis of Micro-Finance Institutions as Consultant for Financial analysis - Client: Sa-Dhan, New Delhi, India. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1999 to 2000 | Employer: CARE-India | Title: Technical Support Coordinator (Microfinance Project) | Department: SEAD Sector |
Responsibilities:Designed and developed training module for senior level, middle level and grassroots level functionaries; Promoted trainers pool comprising of experienced village level group facilitators; Under Policy Advocacy actively participated in the endorsement of Orissa Mutual Aided Co-operative Act, and its enactment; Tracking Performance of NGOs/MFIs through credit-rating methodology; Preparing Business Plan for the highly rated NGOs with whom CARE formally agreed to partner with; Project Management - Prepared annual plans on MS Project and annual budgets in MS Excel. Monitored and reported the progress and budget utilization on monthly basis; actively involved in Relief and disaster support to the victims of super cyclone disaster. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1995 to 1999 | Employer: EDA Rural Systems Private Limited | Title: Development Executive (Management Consultant) | Department: |
Responsibilities:1. The World Bank assisted Shrimp and Fish Culture Development Project of Government of India: Worked out economics of the project and working capital requirement; Monitored both physical and financial progress of the project; Evaluated profitability, beneficiary-wise at end of each production cycle; and recommending remedial measures; Worked out budget for NGOs involved in the project; Providing back up support in terms of status of the project to Govt. of India and State Governments.2.Rural Enterprise Promotion Program of SIDBI (Small industries Development Bank of India): Identified potential NGOs / other forms of social organizations for implementation of REPP in Orissa and West Bengal; Assessed their capability to implement REPP; Recommending the sanctioning of loans/grants for micro enterprise promotion; Periodically monitoring the use of the released funds through field level survey, individual structured/unstructured interviews, focus group discussions etc.; Provided BDS (Business Development Services) to the individual organizations and beneficiaries with regard to having access to skills training, markets and other forward/backward linkages; Prepared status reports vis-à-vis all of the assisted organizations for submission to the Small Industries Development Bank of India. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1989 to 1995 | Employer: Xavier Institute of Management | Title: Research Associate | Department: |
Responsibilities:Project Appraisal: Conducted over 70 pre-finance appraisals related to microenterprise, watershed, health, and social-development projects on behalf of international funding organizations;Project Development: Worked with NGOs in developing projects along with village institutions, prioritizing through need analysis; Monitoring: Monitored the progress of the program activities of NGOs supported by International organizations as well as reviewed resource utilization on a quarterly basis; Evaluation: Assessed the impact of the projects and suggesting the donor agencies regarding further continuation of the projects. Evaluated 10-years’ development programmes of Diocese of Varanasi as part of a team on behalf of Roman Catholic Diocese of Varanasi, and worked out future plan of action. Also conducted concurrent evaluation of Integrated Rural Development Project of Government of India; Research Studies on Development Issues: As part of a research team studied - The economics of sifting cultivation continuously for 3 years in 8 districts of Orissa in India, Groups involved in cooperative handicraft activities in 10 districts of Orissa in India, Marketing of marine fish in coastal districts of Orissa, Conducted impact-assessment of Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) project in 5 districts of Orissa; Enterprise Development Support:. Shared know-how on business start up with entrepreneurs, and built awareness among potential and upcoming entrepreneurs through radio programme. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2011 to 2011 | Country / Region: Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya | Summary: He provided technical support and strategic direction in the development and solidification of the livelihoods component, including value chain programme design, financial and private sectors engagement and building the programme linkage with urban poor, and devising appropriate implementation strategies and processes. Developed Proposal for EC projects and general proposal. |
Years: 2005 to 2006 | Country / Region: Ghana (West Africa) | Summary: Expert was planning and executing agribusiness based program activities in North Ghana; developed procedures for Credit and Savings operation; measuring performance of Loan portfolio growth and quality; provided technical assistance and built capacity of the staff on monitoring, efficient data collection and analysis. Responsible for all aspects of financial management, including: budgeting, securing funding from donors, implementing appropriate systems, training staff, cash-flow. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | He is proficient in the English language |
Hindi | He is Proficient in Hindi. |
Oriya | He is proficient in Oriya. |
Bengali | He can converse in Bengali. |
Fields of Expertise
economic development, microenterprise, microenterprise development, financial modeling, economic appraisal, financial planning, project cost estimation, rural business, rural development, economic feasibility, economic impact, agricultural economics, energy finance, business analysis, corporate responsibility, economic market development, market development, cost modeling, cost analysis, cost-benefit analysis