Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Hydrocarbon Chemistry and Analysis
He has worked widely on the analysis of petroleum (crude oil) and its refined products by using a wide variety of chromatographic and spectral techniques. These include gas chromatography with mass spectrometer detection, with element specific detection for sulfur, nitrogen,…

Agronomy, Livestock Waste Management, Crop Consulting
Expert has expertise in waste management practices recommendations based on federal and state laws, best management practices, and agronomic principles for ag feedlots. Scouting and recommendations for production of crops such as: variety selections, soil sampling, soil test interpretations, nutrient…

Japanese Technology, Patents, Risk Management, Due Diligence, Fraud, Investigations
It can be as simple as applying the wrong concentration of herbicide, pesticide or fertilizer to agricultural machinery related accidents. Drift of chemicals from treated areas to neighbouring areas which damage people or crops is another example. Although some define…

Fruit, Vegetable, Meats, and Dairy Products Preservation and Quality Assurance
Expert B. Expert provided technical expert advice to South African fruit, vegetable, and meat canners for eight years on can type product compatibility, heat penetration studies, solving spoilage problems, researching the detinning rates of various foods in unlacquered cans, and…

Environmental Compliance, Pollution Prevention, Health and Safety, and Fire Loss and Prevention
Expert has extensive practical knowledge and experience in the field of pollution prevention technologies. He has performed numerous pollution prevention audits internationally resulting in millions of dollars in waste minimization, energy and feedstock material savings for clients. He has worked…

Bioremediation, Oil Clean-Up
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Expert has extensive experience in patent writing, analysis, and associated business strategies. He has written over 200 patents. He is ranked in the top 8000 inventors worldwide. Expert stays abreast of the most recent legal and IP strategies.…

Fires, Explosions, Hazardous Chemicals, Chemical Burns and Toxic Exposure; Consumer and Industrial Products and Processes
CFEI, CPC, CChE, FAIC, FRSC, DABFET; Forensic Litigation Expert; Products Liability; Personal Injury Experienced, forensic expert witness for plaintiff or defense; both Federal and State. Accepting cases including, but not limited to: fires and explosions, hazardous chemicals, chemical burns and…

Wastewater Treatment
Dr. G. Expert has applied his background in chemical engineering, particulate filtration, and membrane separation technology to the areas of water and wastewater management, pollution prevention, and the treatment of industrial wastewaters and hazardous wastes. He is knowledgeable of waste…

Technical Problem-Solving for Materials and Processes
Expert has extensive experience in both gas and liquid chromatography. He has studied theoretical mechanisms of separation and published application techniques in environmental and biological areas. Skilled in the use of data acquisition and data handling systems, Expert is particularly…

Immunology, Vaccine Research
Expert is an internationally recognized expert in mucosal immunology. He has published more than 70 papers and reviews in several prestigious scientific journals. He is best known for experimentally establishing (with continuing research) the concept of a common mucosal immunologic…