Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Print and Print-Related Services for Print Users and Print Providers
Expert D. Expert has in-depth knowledge of all areas of book binding including equipment, processes, and types of binding that are appropriate for all circumstances. Expert has overall knowledge with hands-on industry and consulting experience in all areas of technology…
Polymer & Composite Materials Science, Modeling, Structure-Property Relations, Technology Assessment
Expert has four decades of experience as a researcher on structure-processing-morphology-property-performance relationships in polymers (plastics, elastomers/rubbers, thermosets) and composites. He is considered by many researchers to be the world's foremost authority on quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR) in polymers. He is…
Thermal Systems, New Product Development, Finite Element Analysis
Expert managed a concurrent engineering team that designed and developed the world's first commercial scroll refrigerant compressor. He was responsible for developing the compressor design, manufacturing processes and production implementation of those processes. The compressor was a commercial success, meeting…
Oil, Gas, Petrochemicals and Renewable Fuels & Chemicals, Biomass and Biorefineries
He designed three state of art methanol fed biodiesel plants in the US and one for Petrobras in Brazil. Developed Kreido biodiesel technology and advised the leading financial firms on biofuel investments. Served on ASTM biofuels committees and spoke at…
Steel and Iron Casting Processes, Foundry Consulting, Metallurgy, and NDT Non Destructive Testing
Expert has extensive foundry experience with a strong emphasis in melting steel using both acid and basic processes. He developed metallurgical and operational melting procedures that optimized the acid and basic slags. He is very familiar with the use and…
Biotechnology Product Reviews, Biologics, Drugs & Medical Devices, FDA Litigation, Vaccines, etc.
Over 18 years experience with legal, scientific, business and regulatory issues affecting the research, development and commercialization of biomedical and information security products. Recognized expertise in strategy development, audit and due diligence, outsourcing, and FDA regulatory matters, including consulting for…
Chemical Plant Manufacturing, Process Development, Polyester Polymer, Polyester Film Coating
Expert has extensive experience working in chemical plant manufacturing at several DuPont facilities: Niagara Falls, NY; Victoria, TX; Savannah River, SC; Cape Fear, NC; Sabine River, TX; and Florence, SC. He has always worked in a technical role in manufacturing…
Corrosion and Metallurgical Failure Analysis
Expert notes that corrosion is a major problem that affects many industries. Expert has spent over forty years studying and solving corrosion problems in the construction, aerospace, defense, petroleum, utility and related industries. He was also the technical editor of…
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation; Machine and Structural Design
Expert has been at (Undisclosed) where he currently is a professor in the Department of General Engineering. Expert is also Director of the Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation Research Laboratory. The Laboratory supports research work in ultrasonics (immersion, air-coupled, and water-squirt),…
Environmental Compliance, Pollution Prevention, Health and Safety, and Fire Loss and Prevention
Expert has extensive practical knowledge and experience in the field of pollution prevention technologies. He has performed numerous pollution prevention audits internationally resulting in millions of dollars in waste minimization, energy and feedstock material savings for clients. He has worked…