Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 736150 Kenya

Livestock Development

Dairy Technology and Community Livestock Development Expert Key qualifications: (Relevant to the project) - Msc International Animal Health - Milk Processing and Dairy Hygiene - International animal health - Skills in New dimension in agricultural extension management - Design and…

ID: 735877 Maryland, USA

Applied Accounting, Economics, Financial Analysis, Research, Computer Technology (including Project Evaluation, Historical Credit Risk Assessment, Structured Finance, Restructuring)

Expert has a prestigious 26 years of experience in applied accounting, economic and financial analysis, and research combined with personal computer technology. His major work areas include accounting and financial analysis (including project evaluation, historical credit risk assessment, structured finance,…

ID: 732174 Maryland, USA

Ocean Engineering: Marine Fouling and Corrosion Control; Shipyard Paint Application and Removal; Marine Materials Engineering

Expert is an ocean engineer with 40+ years' experience in materials and processes for construction, maintenance and repair of ships and structures in the marine environment. This includes marine fouling and corrosion protection, antifouling and anticorrosive paint application and removal,…

ID: 729577 United Kingdom

Agroforestry, Tree-Crop Interactions, Improvement and Management of Indigenous Agroforestry Trees

Expert has 34 years of professional experience in agroforestry and forestry research, education and development in arid and semiarid tropics and tropical highlands of Africa. Since 1990 he has been a senior lecturer in agroforestry. His research in agroforestry focused…

ID: 728947 Bangladesh

Broiler & Layer Breeder Management, Commercial Layer & Broiler Management, Chicken Feed Formulation

Sound Knowledge in practical least cost poultry (broiler, layer & breeder) production. 1. Practical experience of brooding, growing, laying managment of chicken (breeder and commercial stock). 2. Practical experience of feed formulation, feed mill operation management as feed mill manager).…

ID: 727935 United Kingdom

Online Education, E-learning, Conservation Biology, Ethics, Ethology, Zoology, Brazil

Expert has an extensive record in education and professional training. Since 1987 She has delivered under-graduate, post-graduate and professional development courses in higher education and professional institutions in several countries, (Portugal, Denmark, Italy, UK and Brazil) on subjects ranging from…

ID: 725757 Kansas, USA

Beef Cattle, Nutrition, Management, Animal Identification Technology

During the past 24+ years as a professor at a major land grant institution, he has conducted a multitude of research studies evaluating nutritional, health and management that relates to beef cattle and forages production. In his position at a…

ID: 725084 United Kingdom

Aquaculture, Small-Scale Fisheries, Trout, Tilapia and Carp Farming, etc.

He has worked in aquaculture development for most of the 27 years since graduating with an M.Sc in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management from the University of Stirling. He also has a Ph.D. in aquaculture (Tilapia Nutrition) from Stirling University. He…

ID: 724572 Colorado, USA

Outdoor Recreation, Horses, Cattle, Ranching, Emergency Medicine, Wilderness Medicine

Expert has earned many credentials helpful to his years of expert witness work. His first court case was in 1974. His years of public speaking and clean-cut western appearance help him when taking the stand to testify. He has reviewed…

ID: 724545 Italy

Aquaculture Freshwater Marine Production and Processing; Project Marketing Quality System; Fisheries

He is committed to work for total fishery aquaculture project as a main concept. Clients frequently ask him to prepare fishery project from concept, execution, training, equipment supply and start-up phases including marketing. He is responsible for the complete project…

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