Expert Details
Aquaculture, Small-Scale Fisheries, Trout, Tilapia and Carp Farming, etc.

ID: 725084
United Kingdom
His Ph.D concerns the development of tilapia feeds based on locally available feed materials in Zambia. This involved the investigation and analysis of a wide range of feed materials, the formulation of feeds and processing into pellets and crumbles at a commercial scale. Several fish farm feasibility studies have been carried out since then involving the specification of new formulations for fish feeds based on locally available materials. Key ingredients in these feeds include wheat by-products, rice by-products, oilseed cakes, fish meal and animal by-product meals.
He has been directly involved in farming tilapia, carp, salmon and trout. A wide range of other species have featured in projects that he has been involved with including farmed shrimp and sturgeon, and many wild species in fisheries situations. In particular in Bangladesh where he has recently been working as the Project Leader of a major Community Based Fisheries Management Project (CBFM-2) involving more than 100 communities actively trying to enhance the biodiversity of the fisheries that they are managing.
He has operated and managed fish farms in Zambia, Ireland and Malawi. He has also carried out feasibility studies for commercial fish farms in Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Nigeria, Ghana, Sudan and Uganda and been involved in a technical capacity in the designs for fish farms in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. He has been involved in fish farm training in Malawi, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran and UK. Main species are tilapia, carp, trout, salmon and shrimp.
His M.Sc is in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management. His most recent involvement in fisheries has been with the Community Based Fisheries Management Project in Bangladesh as Project Leader. This project was able to establish over a 10 year period that community management of fisheries actually works, improving the condition of the fishery and also enhancing the livelihoods of communities involved with their management. Other fisheries related studies have been an assessment of the Aral Sea fishery for the World Bank SYNAS Project, a study on the fisheries activities of the AKRSP in Northern Pakistan and an assessment of the fisheries activities of the NGO Living Earth in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria.
He managed the design, construction and operation of a salmon hatchery in Ireland. This was built by a dairy farmers co-operative but has since been sold to Marine Harvest and is the source of organic smolts for their Irish aquaculture operations.
He has been involved in carrying out outline feasibility studies for shrimp farms in Ghana and Sudan as well as training for shrimp farmers in Bangladesh.
He was Research Officer for a new tilapia farm built at the Nakambala Estate of the Zambia Sugar Company in Zambia 1982-1986. This was a highly intensive farm which was considered well ahead of its time for a developing country situation. The farm produced tilapia at a commercial scale. Research work carried out at the farm involved the development of feeds based on locally available raw materials, developing appropriate breeding and early rearing systems and the development of husbandry systems. He has also been involved in projects promoting the development of small-scale tilapia farming systems in Malawi, Bangladesh and Uganda, and carried out feasibility studies for commercial scale tilapia farms in Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Uganda, Ghana and Sudan.
He managed a commercial trout farm in Ireland for 3 years.
September 2006 - October 2006
Lusaka and Siavonga, Zambia
Aquaharvest fish farm:
Centre for Development of Enterprise, Brussels-
Feasibility study for Aquaharvest fish farm
Aquaharvest is a new fish farm to be based at Lake Kariba, Zambia. The aim of the consultancy was to determine the best approaches for development of the farm and to help the promoter to produce bankable documents for potential funding agencies for the project.
At the request of NAAZ, EDP II funded a 4 week consultancy to determine the potential for aquaculture development in Zambia and how the NAAZ could help to support the industry. Aquaharvest is a new fish farm to be based at Lake Kariba, Zambia. The aim of the consultancy was to determine the best approaches for development of the farm and to help the promoter to produce bankable documents for potential funding agencies for the project. The CBFM2 project has been running for 5 years following a 5 year phase 1 and was due to finish in August 2006 but has now been extended to March 2007. The main aim of the short-term post of Project Leader is to co-ordinate the process of pulling together the final documentation and communications outputs before the end of the project. This report focuses on the definition and characterisation of emerging aquaculture systems in Europe leading to policy recommendations for future development of the industry.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1991 | Degree: PhD | Subject: Aquaculture | Institution: University of Stirling |
Year: 1981 | Degree: M.Sc | Subject: Aquaculture & Fisheries Management | Institution: University of Stirling |
Year: 1980 | Degree: B.Sc | Subject: Zoology | Institution: University of Edinburgh |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to 2008 | Employer: Pathfoot Limited | Title: Managing Director | Department: |
Responsibilities:Managing Director of a publishing company and fisheries and aquaculture consultant |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2003 to 2005 | Employer: Special Publications Ltd | Title: Aquaculture Editor | Department: |
Responsibilities:Editor of two specialist magazines, Fish Farming Today and Fish Farmer magazine and aquaculture contributor/editor to the the web-site |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to 2003 | Employer: Self-employed consultant | Title: Aquaculture and fisheries consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:Carried out a range of fisheries, aquaculture and development training assignments in Europe, Africa, central Asia and South Asia for organisations such as the EU, the World Bank and DFID (British Aid) as well as for private organisations. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1993 to 1995 | Employer: University of Stirling/ Bangladesh | Title: Resource Officer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Fisheries Training and Extension ProjectResponsible for implementation of activities in support of the DFID (ODA) Fisheries programme in Bangladesh. The main project was the design, delivery, supervision and evaluation of technical and training of trainer courses for Dept. of Fisheries Officers and NGO staff in Bangladesh and Stirling. These practically based courses involved field training of rural fish farmers and NGO groups, following assessment of their training needs. Also involved in the development and production of aquaculture extension and training materials, writing project documents, editing technical reports, organisation of missions to Bangladesh and the development of other BAFRU activities. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1992 to 1993 | Employer: University of Stirling | Title: Project Officer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Development of projectsResponsible for bringing forward a number of specific commercial fish farming projects. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1991 to 1992 | Employer: Stirling Aquaculture/ Fisheries Development Ltd. | Title: Project Co-Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:Central and Northern Regions Fish Farming ProjectTeam leader of a three man expatriate team implementing a 3.9 million ECU fish farming research, development, extension and training project covering two thirds of Malawi. Project funding was from the European Development Fund of the Commission of the European Communities. The project encouraged smallholder farmers to add fish culture to their mixed farms as part of an integrated farming systems approach. It established an extension service which developed a group extension approach, allowing farmers to become more independent in their main activities such as stocking and harvesting. The role of Project Co-Manager was to co-ordinate activities, reporting and planning. This included acting as liaison between the EC Delegation, the Malawi Dept of Fisheries and other institutions such as NGOs in Malawi. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1989 to 1990 | Employer: Stirling Aquaculture/ Fisheries Development Ltd. | Title: Project Research Officer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Central and Northern Regions Fish Farming ProjectThis involved establishment of a research facility, carrying out research on indigenous fish species and appropriate methods for their culture. The main subjects studied were the development of species that had not been used before in fish culture and the investigation of appropriate fertilisation and feeding regimes for resource poor farmers. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1987 to 1989 | Employer: West Ulster Farmers Ltd | Title: Fish Farming Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:West Ulster Farmers is an agricultural co-operative based on milk processing. The job of fish farming manager was created to establish a salmon smolt farm at Lough Derg, Co. Donegal and to manage a trout farm at Ballinamallard, Co. Fermanagh. This involved planning and management of the entire construction process for the salmon farm. The smolt farm has now developed into one of the leading hatcheries in Ireland. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2005 to 2006 | Country / Region: | Summary: Stirling Stirling Aquaculture DFID Analyst/Report Editor Report on Aquaculture Development and Poverty Alleviation for the DFID Aquaculture and Fish Genetics Research Programme The AFGRP have commissioned a series of desk-study/think pieces on aquaculture development. The study on Aquaculture Development and Poverty Alleviation will focus on the link between the increasing demand for fisheries products and the need to secure access to these products to achieve Millenium Development Goals. |
Years: 2003 to 2003 | Country / Region: Dhaka, Bangladesh | Summary: Facilitator for the National Planning Workshop on Fisheries Research WorldFish Center-Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute organised a 2 day research planning workshop for 70 participants (local and international) with the aim of defining research priorities for the fisheries sector. The role of facilitator was to help the organisers to design an implement a process which would achieve this aim. |
Years: 2002 to 2002 | Country / Region: Khartoum and Port Sudan, Sudan | Summary: Development of tilapia farms and shrimp farms in Sudan The Al Araf and Logman consortium wants to develop tilapia and shrimp farms in Sudan. An exploratory mission in July/August 2002 established that both forms of farming were technically and financially feasible. This will be followed up with farm design and management support to the projects. |
Years: 2000 to 2000 | Country / Region: Muzaffarbad, Pakistan | Summary: Dept of Fisheries, Azad, Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan FAO Aquaculturist Development of aquaculture in AJK This one month input was to support the Department of Fisheries in their attempts to develop appropriate aquaculture techniques for rural AJK. |
Years: 1999 to 1999 | Country / Region: Malawi | Summary: Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation Scientific and Technical Co-ordinator CTA Study Visit on Sustainable Agro-Pisciculture Systems The 2 week study visit involved designing the programme, identifying suitable participants, leading the group of 14 African fisheries scientists during the visit, facilitating their discussions and reporting. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
He contributed evidence on oil contamination at a trout farm |
Training / Seminars |
He ran training courses on aquaculture in UK, Bangladesh, Iran He ran training of trainer courses in Bangladesh |
Vendor Selection |
He sourced aquaculture supplies for new projects |
Marketing Experience |
As editor of a series of aquaculture and fisheries publications he had the opportunity to interact with key decision makers in the UK and European aquaculture and fisheries industries. |
Fields of Expertise
aquaculture, freshwater aquaculture, feedstuff, fishmeal, carp, fish, carp farming, fish farm, fishery, salmon farm, shrimp, tilapia farm, trout, trout farm, husbandry, animal research, aquatic environmental toxicity, freshwater shrimp, agribusiness, aquatic biological control, aquatic biology, vertebrate zoology, marine fish, livestock, alternative crop