Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 719038 New York, USA

Records Management, Information Governance, International Record Retention, Digital Document Management, Email Management

Records Management; Document Management; Electronic Records: For over 40 years Expert has been involved with records and document management activities as a professional practitioner, consultant, teacher, researcher, and writer. He has extensive experience developing information and records management policies, strategic…

ID: 108278 Wisconsin, USA

Industrial Hygiene, Diacetyl, Peroxyacetic Acid, Formaldehyde, Asbestos, Ventilation, Regulations, Silica, Workplace & Environmental Noise, Ultrasound, Ultraviolet

Expert has worked as a Senior Industrial Hygienist for over 30 years, during much of that time he was a professor in the field. His extensive knowledge base lends a helping hand as a consultant and expert witness. His passion…

ID: 718300 Michigan, USA

Java, LAN-WAN Interconnect, Computer Networks

Employing his extensive network experience, Expert has taken advantage of Java to design and implement network applications. He teaches a university course on computer networks where he uses Java to provide examples and lab experiments. He has designed and implemented…

ID: 711148 Indiana, USA

Product Development, PDM, Pro/Engineer, CAD

Expert has worked on many engineering projects. He has been a user of AUTOCAD since versions 2.5 to 13. He is well versed in custom programming C-shell, Perl, Unix, LISP, menu development, and general use. His experience has included work…

ID: 717354 California, USA

Software Engineer, Testing, QA

COMPUTER SOFTWARE ENGINEERING; SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOL; SOFTWARE TESTING. Expert is Chairman and CEO of a software company. He is a leading figure in the software engineering community, specializing in advanced technology for software testing, software verification and validation, automated software…

ID: 716910 California, USA

Business Mentor and Patent Management Specializing Electronic Assembly (SMT, FPT, Heterogeneous) and Semiconductor Packaging

Expert is internationally renowned in the field of fine-pitch, chip scale, wafer level, and general surface mount electronic design and assembly. He is credited with founding the first U.S. based surface mount technology (SMT) contract design and assembly foundry and…

ID: 716502 California, USA

Project Management

Expert is the leading recognized expert on project management software. He has been responsible, either as manager or consultant, for the selection of project management software products for over four dozen organizations. He has contributed to the design and development…

ID: 107986 Florida, USA

Paper Manufacturing, Coating, and Recycling

He has expertise in paper and paperboard coating. This includes coating formulations, coating processes, new grade developments, and troubleshooting involved in a wide variety of coated paper and paperboard products. In addition to printability and optical property improvements, he is…

ID: 107900 Minnesota, USA

Machinery CE-Marking, Medical Device CE-Marking, CE-Marking with EU Authorized Representative Office

ISO 9000 IMPLEMENTATION; ISO 9000 AUDITING. Expert has expertise in implementing, documenting, and auditing procedures of medium to small companies that are pursuing ISO 9000 certification. Her organization provides training and consulting to implement ISO 9000, with emphasis on minimizing…

ID: 714578 Connecticut, USA

Biomass Power Generation Technology and Engineering: Design, Construction and Operations

Expert has expertise in multiple forms of energy generation, including steam boilers and gas turbine prime movers. He also has experience with gas and fuel oil reciprocating engine generators and small-head hydroelectric facilities. He is expert in the utility and…

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