Expert Details
Project Management

ID: 716502
California, USA
Expert is a recognized industry expert and watchdog in North America and has provided consulting to over 90% of the leading project management software vendors. He has been responsible for the design and implementation of project management methodologies in four divisions of the General Electric company. Since 1986, he has been advising companies in the public and private sectors in the area of organizing for and implementing project management. Expert has taught project management at two major universities and presents public and in-house seminars on the subject. Areas in which he has concentrated include methods, organization, strategies, risk management, project initiation techniques, tools, and communications. Applications of his work include power generation, architect/engineer, aerospace/defense, information systems, design/construct, co-generation, telecommunication, pharmaceutical, engineering/manufacturing, engineering/process, retail facilities and services, automotive, industrial, advanced energy systems, nuclear power, and transportation.
Expert has established methods and systems for engineering project management at General Electric and has provided similar services for several consulting clients. He has developed and provided training for the management of engineered products and processes. This has included planning and control of schedules, resources, and costs.
Expert has established methods and systems for power generation project management at General Electric and has provided similar services for several consulting clients. He has developed and provided training in (PGPM). He has worked on the management of several power generation projects. This has included the design and construction of advanced energy systems, involving both nuclear and fossil fuels. It has also included plant maintenance and shutdown planning.
Expert has developed pragmatic approaches to risk analysis, risk avoidance, and risk management. He uses basic project scheduling and spreadsheet programs to manage schedule and cost risk, and to provide early warnings of potential problems. He also uses special risk analysis software for advanced analysis of schedule and cost risk.
For this specific area within project management, Expert has developed techniques to bring efficiency and effectiveness to the process of developing project plans. He helps project managers develop structures to organize the planning information and to facilitate the development of plans. Expert also concentrates on developing project models (templates) and using computers for efficient project planning.
Expert has been involved in project scheduling and planning since 1962, and was responsible for some of the earliest use of computers to aid in project scheduling and control. In addition to writing many books and articles on the subject, he has taught project scheduling for 30 years. He is an advisor to most of the developers of computer-based tools for project scheduling.
Expert considers a natural extension of project planning and scheduling to be the control of resources assigned to projects. He has been influential in publicizing the need for multiproject resource planning and analysis and for improving tools and techniques in this area. He has advised many companies in methods for managing resources and schedules. This has included providing information and control for resource (functional) managers, as well as project managers. Expert has also influenced the design of several project management software products aimed at improving capabilities for multiproject resource planning and analysis.
Expert considers another natural extension of project planning and scheduling to be the evaluation of project progress and performance using earned value concepts. He was instrumental in developing one of the earlier non-defense industry methodologies in earned value performance analysis. A decade later, this system is still in use at General Electric. Although it is often thought of as a highly sophisticated technology, suitable only for major government projects, Expert has pioneered the use of earned value concepts for small and less complex application.
Expert has developed pragmatic applications of integrated schedule/cost techniques to make this technology more practical for the private sector. He notes that this technology is also known as C/SCSC, Performance Measurement Systems, or Project Budgeting & Cost Control. Expert teaches and writes about this subject. He has been involved in developing and improving computer-based tools for integrated project schedule and cost management, and has used this technology to design and implement a project performance measurement system at General Electric.
Because of his interest and involvement in project management software, Expert has become the leading consultant to the project management software industry. He provides product design testing and marketing expertise for developers of computer-based tools for project management. Over two dozen software developers, comprising over 90 percent of the sold products base, are among Expert's clients.
Expert is a published author, with three books, over 200 articles and whitepapers, a video, guest chapters in three books, and more. He prepares papers under contract for several websites. Several of these papers have been developed to support the introduction of new PM capabilities by various vendors.
Expert implemented computer-based project management practices and systems in dozens of organizations.He engaged in project management problem solving, correcting problems and enhancing ongoing practices and systems. Expert provided mentoring and startup assistance for projects and PM systems.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1973 | Degree: B.S. | Subject: Business Administration | Institution: College of Saint Rose |
Year: 1954 | Degree: A.A. | Subject: Automotive & Diesel Technology | Institution: New York State University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1962 to 1986 | Employer: General Electric Company | Title: Manager | Department: Project Control |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1956 to 1962 | Employer: American Locomotive Company | Title: Test Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert is past President and Chairman of the Board of the Project Management Institute, as well as founder of the Upstate New York chapter of the PMI. |
Awards / Recognition |
Expert was awarded the PMI's Distinguished Contributions Award and was recently awarded Project Management Institute's highest and most prestigious award, the PMI Fellow award. There are only 35 Fellows among the 100,000 members of PMI. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert is author of over 200 articles and one book. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert provided research and expert witness testimony for a lawsuit involving the largest PM software vendor. |
Training / Seminars |
He presented open and in-house seminars on all PM topics. Over 100 courses have been delivered. He developed a video-based seminar for IBM, and conducted distance-based seminars over an IBM educational network. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert has experience in locating vendors of project management software, project management training, and project management consulting. He has access to notes, files, and personal contacts to aid in vendor location. |
Marketing Experience |
He provided marketing advice to clients bringing PM products to market. He provided competitive analyses and strategies. He has also acted as a matchmaker for two major acquisitions in the PM field. |
Fields of Expertise
project management software selection, software system development, project management, project review, engineering project management, power generation project management, risk management, project cost control, project execution planning, project planning, project planning software, project scheduling, project scheduling software, resource planning, resource allocation, earned-value system, project cost management, project management software development, writing, project risk management, business management, telecommunications system, enterprise resource planning software, enterprise resource planning, performance measurement, Microsoft Project Manager, corporate strategic planning, human resources, aerospace defense system, electric energy generation, construction project management, research and development management, communication, cost control, training, software project management, risk assessment, planning, operations management, management decision-making, cogeneration