Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Cleanrooms, Contamination Control, Ultrapure Media, Qualification and Validation, GMP, AMC
Expert has been active in aersol physics for more than 25 years. His PhD covers also the areas of environmental, indoor and cleanroom aerosols. He worked in a variety of scientific and technical projects covering the health effects of particles…

Nanomanufacturing Processes
Expert has 20 + years of experience in technical and business aspects of nanomanufacturing. He has been involved in the implementation of thin film technologies in various devices such as semiconductors, sensors, magnetic recording heads, displays (OLEDS,TFT),HB-LED, photovoltaics (CIGS,..) EUV…

Hydrocarbon Chemistry and Analysis
He has worked widely on the analysis of petroleum (crude oil) and its refined products by using a wide variety of chromatographic and spectral techniques. These include gas chromatography with mass spectrometer detection, with element specific detection for sulfur, nitrogen,…

Chemical Engineering, Trouble Shooting of Chemical Plants, Fats & Oils, Biodiesel, Biofuels
Expert is a chemical engineer with master’s degree in Business Management. Expert has over 22 years of experience in large Oleo chemical oil refineries, petrochemicals and fertilizer industries in Asian countries. He has been involved in successful troubleshooting of various…

Chemical Engineering
Expert W. Expert has been involved as consultant and technical expert in numerous cases involving patent infringement. An example is the landmark case between Dow Chemical and Allied-Signal on thin-film membranes for water treating. This resulted in a $30 million…

Air, Water and Solid Waste Pollution Control & Energy Recovery in US & Asia
Expert was responsible for the introduction of activated carbon fiber adsorption systems into the U.S. as a licensee of the Japanese firm that developed them. This involved technical liaison with the Japanese as well as sales/marketing to customers. He was…

Compressed Gas Handling
Expert has experience creating and managing a specialty gas manufacturing facility. He has also managed the storage, transportation, purification, property analysis, and disposal of compressed gases for over 20 years. Additionally, he has served as a research and development manager,…

Semiconductor Devices, Testing and Product Engineering, Marketing and Administration
Expert has spent most of his career in the semiconductor device and process technology areas. His experience is wide, with exposure to germanium and silicon discrete to large scale silicon integrated devices in the sub-micron regime. An area that is…

Membrane Purification Processes, Separation Processes
Expert has spent the majority of his career in the field of membrane processes. He has expert knowledge in the theory, design, and industrial applications of types of membrane processes for liquid and gas separation. These processes include reverse osmosis,…

High Purity Process Engineering
Expert specializes in providing independent technical services to critical process industries such as manufacturing of pharmaceutical products and other specialty chemicals where high levels of purity must be maintained. WATER-TREATMENT FILTRATION PROCESS; CONTAMINATION CONTROL. Expert provides support in process development,…