Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 108373 Ohio, USA

Product Development, Sensors & Actuators, Innovation Strategy, IoT Strategy, Failure Analysis

Expert has experience developing products at the device level and at the consumer level. He does so by using the existing concepts and theories of physics, chemistry, electrochemistry, and materials engineering. His experience includes developing sensors and algorithms for custom…

ID: 711120 New York, USA

Bioremediation, Oil Clean-Up

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Expert has extensive experience in patent writing, analysis, and associated business strategies. He has written over 200 patents. He is ranked in the top 8000 inventors worldwide. Expert stays abreast of the most recent legal and IP strategies.…

ID: 108201 Indiana, USA

Fastening to Aluminum, Plastic, and Other Soft Material, TaptiteĀ® Applications, Torque, Boss, etc.

Expert has extensive experience with a variety of threaded fasteners. He has worked with design engineers to develop the proper selection of fasteners, to determine assembly strategies, and to diagnose assembly problems for a whole range of products. He has…

ID: 717904 Minnesota, USA

Acoustics, Vibration and Sound Quality; Lighting, Daylighting and Vision; Audio and Visual Technology; and Perceptual Research

Expert's thought leadership encompasses the following areas within architecture: Acoustics, Audio and Visual, Daylighting, Lighting, Thermal Comfort, Indoor Air Quality and Occupancy Research. His expertise in Product Development includes Acoustics, Audio and Visual, Lighting and Vision, Thermal Comfort, Consumer Research,…

ID: 107787 Ohio, USA

Fuel Cell Manufacturing

Expert has been developing chemical process technology for industrial materials and chemical firms for over 14 years. He has developed several novel chemical processes, including those for synthesis of advanced ceramic powders, pigments, and a wide range of inorganic materials.…

ID: 721326 Canada

Maillard Reaction; Flavor Analysis

MAILLARD REACTION; NON-ENZYMATIC BROWNING; REACTION FLAVOR. Expert has studied the interaction of amino acids or proteins with reducing sugars which results in a prominent chemical reaction that occurs during thermal processing of foods. This reaction, known as Maillard or browning…

ID: 712047 New Jersey, USA

Microcontroller-based Product Design

Most of the projects expert has been involved with have been real-time dependent. He has designed high-speed bit-slice-based data acquisition units for military aircraft radar, high-speed machinery controls, home automation, cordless telephones, fitness equipment, arcade games, and other consumer products.…

ID: 108340 New York, USA

Beer & Beverage Technology, Chemometrics & Multivariate Analysis, Food Microbiology, Food Chemistry

Expert has extensive experience conducting product and process research and development employing a range of disciplines including microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical engineering on beer, cooler, fruit juice, and soft drinks. This work involves developing analytical methods for assessing the…

ID: 108361 North Carolina, USA

Environmental Air Sampling

AIR POLLUTION MEASUREMENT; ENVIRONMENTAL AIR SAMPLING; EXHAUST EMISSION MEASUREMENT. Expert co-founded the largest air source sampling company in the country and was its President for 20 years. He is nationally recognized in the field of emission measurement methodology and has…

ID: 713581 Montana, USA

Gear Design & Analysis

HELICAL GEAR DESIGN; SPUR GEAR DESIGN; GEAR TOOTH. Expert has extensive experience in the design and analysis of spur and helical gears. He is the author of the computer programs GEARCALC and AGMA218, which are widely used by the gear…

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