Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 107627 Utah, USA

Chemical Engineering

Expert has taught a course in air pollution control at BYU about a dozen times in the past 22 years, a course which he organized. He has general experience in the design of air pollution control systems and has specific…

ID: 711545 Colorado, USA

EMF on Biology & Electronics

For 20 years, expert has been involved in studying the effects of radiowaves and 60Hz on people. His work has included participation in a major epidemiological study that showed a correlation between the proximity of power lines and the incidence…

ID: 107609 South Carolina, USA

Project & Personnel Management, Part Numbering, Product Engineering

Approximately half of Expert's corporate career was devoted to work in all phases of human resources and personnel management. His hands-on and management experience encompass all aspects of this discipline, with concentrations in compensation and organization planning and development. Much…

ID: 107595 Illinois, USA

Pharmaceutical Technology, Manufacturing, Quality Systems and Regulations; GMPs and GLPs

Expert specializes in the field of pharmaceutical technology with particular emphasis on the development, manufacture, quality control and quality assurance of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. As a professional consultant to the healthcare manufacturing industries, he works with about 30 worldwide…

ID: 107582 New York, USA

Molecular Sieve Systems, Activated Carbon Systems, and Cryogenic High Purity Adsorption

ACTIVATED CARBON SYSTEM. Expert has spent most of his 36 year career applying various adsorbents to separation or purification functions. He has designed and supervised the construction and startup of numerous activated carbon adsorption systems for use in hydrogen purification…

ID: 107653 New York, USA

Protein Biochemistry, Glycoproteins

Expert has spent much of his career involved in studies of the glycoprotein hormone family of gonadotropins. He has been involved in their protein chemistry, including purification of hormones and important natural fragments, primary structural work, and generation of antibodies.…

ID: 107971 Illinois, USA

Quality Assurance Systems and Training

Ms. Expert has worked with numerous large and small organizations to establish and implement TQM processes. This process starts with an internal evaluation, then continues with policy and mission statements and the establishment of a steering committee to draw up…

ID: 108102 Florida, USA

Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Science Management

Expert has centered a major portion of his research on the study of process technologies for use in the fruit and vegetable industry. These process technologies include traditional concerns such as thermal processing, filtration, concentration, and raw product storage. In…

ID: 108104 Virginia, USA

Analytical Chemistry, Chromatography, Mass Spectroscopy, Trace Organic Analysis, Pesticides, Etc.

Expert has over 30 years of gas chromatography experience, including designing, assembling, and testing of GC systems. He is proficient in trace organic analysis using both packed and capillary columns, FID, TCD, ECD, NPD, FPD, and GC/MS systems for detection.…

ID: 108434 Massachusetts, USA

Biocides, Industrial Antimicrobial Agents

INDUSTRIAL MICROBICIDES. The areas of Expert' greatest current activity and most significant career experience and expertise are the product development and application of industrial antimicrobial agents. He provides expert technical assistance in the chemistry and microbiology necessary to the selection…

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