Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Electrochemical Energy Storage, Batteries, Electrochemical Capacitors, Activated Carbon, Materials Science and Engineering, Corrosion, and Electrodeposition
Expert is an accomplished researcher and director in the sphere of materials and energy technology. Among numerous other areas of expertise, he specializes in materials synthesis and characterization, material technology, activated carbons for energy and water purification, and higher education/teaching.…

Electrodeposition, Corrosion, Wet Etching, Thin Films, Nanofabrication, Electrocatalysis
Expert obtained his B.E. in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (1994) from University of Belgrade and his Ph.D. in Science and Engineering of Materials (1999) from Arizona State University. Before joining the ECE department at Employer (September 2005), Expert has spent…

Automotive Emissions Reductions Technologies – Light to Heavy Duty, Catalysis, Exhausts Design
Expert is the Managing Director of an advisory consulting service in Automotive Emissions Reduction projects on a Consultancy/Contract basis to assist companies with achieving their vehicle emission targets from exhaust/after treatment designs to certifications. He understands the difficulties companies face…

electrochemistry, chemical process dev., corrosion,chlorine, alternative energy, cable rejuvenation
Expert has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and completed a thesis in electrochemical engineering. He has over 30 years of experience in applied electrochemistry. He has applied his expertise in electrochemical engineering to a variety of electrochemical systems including: chlor-alkali,…

Electrochemical Engineering, Battery, Plating, Electroforming, MEMS, Nanotechnolody, Water treatment
Expert has experience and proven success record of design and implementation products and processes in electrochemical and chemical engineering for medicine, manufacturing, and others. He is as the consulting for several medical devices companies help them in designing their products,…

Materials Science: Technology Development and Transfer, Coatings and Surface Technologies
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices • Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) • Catalysis for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) • Metal oxide supercapacitors • Rechargeable batteries High Temperature Alloys • High temperature oxidation of alloys • Oxidation protection…

Management and Technology for Aluminum, Magnesium, Chemicals and Environmental
Directed the evaluation and selection of technology recommended for aluminum smelter expansions and new green site facilities. Directed equipment and technology retrofit in an operating plant to increase metal production by 10%. Directed the replacement of an existing plant-wide process…

Materials for Electronic Applications
Expert has successfully writen 2 proposals for EPA SBIR grants. The first was for a phase 1 program for the recovery and regeneration of spent etchants. This successful program was followed by a phase 2 proposal and award. That phase…

Metal Finishing, Parts Cleaning, Electroplating, Electroforming
Expert has production experience with cyanide copper, pyrophosphate, and acid copper plating baths. He has worked in a laboratory environment with both the fluoroborate and alkaline non-cyanide baths. He has used these baths for PWB plating, wafer plating, electroforming, plating…

Extractive-Metallurgy, Hydro-Metallurgy, Pyro-Metallurgy, Inorganic Processing and Soil and Waste Remediation
Expert has been active in the field of extractive metallurgy for more than 60 years. He has developed processes for the recovery of many metals including antimony, arsenic, barium, bismuth, boron, chromium, cobalt, copper, gallium, germanium, gold, lead, lithium, magnesium,…