Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Communications, Radar, Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Antennas, Propagation, and System Design
Expert has his main technical strengths in signal processing, all aspects of RF (including antennas, propagation, and microwave subsystems) and system and component design and analysis. His experience spans more than 27 years in the fields of radar, electronic warfare,…
Records Management, Information Governance, International Record Retention, Digital Document Management, Email Management
Records Management; Document Management; Electronic Records: For over 40 years Expert has been involved with records and document management activities as a professional practitioner, consultant, teacher, researcher, and writer. He has extensive experience developing information and records management policies, strategic…
Industrial Hygiene, Diacetyl, Peroxyacetic Acid, Formaldehyde, Asbestos, Ventilation, Regulations, Silica, Workplace & Environmental Noise, Ultrasound, Ultraviolet
Expert has worked as a Senior Industrial Hygienist for over 30 years, during much of that time he was a professor in the field. His extensive knowledge base lends a helping hand as a consultant and expert witness. His passion…
Electronic Product Development
Expert (pronounced road-re-an) has designed analog circuits that measure current or voltage signals from temperature, pressure, flow, and conductivity transducers. He has designed isolated, 4-20 mA current loop transmitters. The analog circuits provide inputs to or outputs from microprocessor-based controllers.…
Java, LAN-WAN Interconnect, Computer Networks
Employing his extensive network experience, Expert has taken advantage of Java to design and implement network applications. He teaches a university course on computer networks where he uses Java to provide examples and lab experiments. He has designed and implemented…
Flow Measurement and Metering
FLOWMETERS; FLOW MEASUREMENT; METERING. Expert has devoted the majority of his career to the field of flow measurement. While this work has touched on metering products for several market areas (including gas meters, multiphase flow meters, and open channel flowmeters),…
Network Technology and Design; Nonprofit Capacity Building and Funding Strategies
Expert has over 15 years of hands-on experience in the development, implementation, and integration of data, digital, and voice systems. Expert developed a system equipped to handle imaging, voice response, LAN, 3270, T1, and video conferencing transmission. Expert developed a…
Avionics, Aviation, Communication System
AVIONICS ENGINEERING; AVIONICS EQUIPMENT; AIRCRAFT COMPONENT; AIRCRAFT FLIGHT INSTRUMENTATION. Expert has expertise with the design of aircraft electronic systems, particularly communications and navigation systems. He has designed numerous avionics systems while employed at Cessna Aircraft and has been involved in…
Auditory Bioengineering, Sensory Aids, Hearing Loss, Passive & Active Protectors
Expert's main expertise lies in applying the combination of hearing science, audiology, and electrical engineering to the functional design of devices for the normal or impaired ear. This includes research on speech processing to improve understanding by the hearing impaired;…