Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 726585 California, USA

Coffee: Retail, Wholesale, Roasting, Sourcing

Expert has been in the Specialty Coffee Business for over 16 years. Within this time, Expert has trained numerous clients in both the Retail and Wholesale side of the coffee business. Expert's primary expertise is in the following areas: Coffee…

ID: 739023 Pennsylvania, USA

Coffee and Tea Industries, Food and Beverage Services, Coffee Shop Operations, International Business Development, Retail Management Training, Wholesale and Distribution Services, Hospitality Industry

Expert has 24+ years of experience in the Coffee, Tea, F&B (food and beverage), and Hospitality industries, internationally and domestically. Expert's company -- of which he is Founder and Chair -- operates services in relation to business development, hospitality industry…

ID: 739007 Texas, USA

Coffee Industry: Strategic Business Purchasing, Inventory Management, Quality Control and Quality Processing

Expert is a data-driven coffee consultant with significant experience in providing strategic business coffee purchasing, inventory management, quality control and quality coffee processing. He can speak to financial and risk management solutions to leading organizations within the coffee industry. Expert…

ID: 738590 Vietnam

Coffee Quality and Retail

Specialty Coffee industry professional since 2008, working for roasting companies, espresso machine manufacturers, green coffee sourcing, farm-side processing operations, and café launches. Expert mentors coffee startups, founders, and companies. He specializes in the following: - specific technical issues like roast…

ID: 731552 Israel

Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, Cyberwarfare, Cybersecurity Technology Due Diligence, and Venture Capital

Having started his career as a computer security practitioner, developing and standing up a computer security capability for a $700M enterprise, he migrated to the security software vendor side in the early days of the commercial Internet when it became…

ID: 729798 New Zealand

Coffee Processing, Coffee Wastes Treatment, Factory Designs and Layout.

Expert was for ten years the Principal Research Scientist for 'Coffee Processing' at the Papua New Guinea Coffee Research Institute. With a background in Microbiology and Wastes treatment he was able to apply these areas to significant improvement in the…

ID: 729698 Hawaii, USA

Coffee Production, Science, and Quality

Expert spent his graduate school career studying a variety of coffee science areas. His work focused on coffee horticulture, production, biochemistry, ecology, physiology, and sensory science. He also explored processing and roasting of coffee. Much of his work related directly…

ID: 722287 California, USA

Coffee Industry: Product Development, Quality Upgrading, & Strategic Development

Expert founded (Undisclosed) in with the mission to “educate coffee producers, roasters and distributors with sincerity, integrity and creativity through quality driven consulting and training programs." Expert has a proven track record as a professional taster and consultant for more…

ID: 108114 New York, USA

Electronic Engineering

Expert is an electrical engineer with extensive experience in electronic and electromechanical design. His expertise includes linear systems design and analysis, linear signal processing, system interfacing, and familiarity with C and Fortran programming languages. He has built a solid reputation…

ID: 715780 New York, USA

Process Analysis & Simulation

DECAFFEINATION & OTHER SEPARATION PROCESSES; NONSOLVENT DECAFFEINATION. Expert (prefers "Expert") is a recognized authority in the field of decaffeination. He has many patents involving decaffeination, including two of the basic nonsolvent procedures (water and supercritical carbon dioxide.) In his work…

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