Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Asphalt Materials, Pavement Design, Forensic, Maintenance, Preservation, QC/QA, Roadway Construction, Traffic Safety and Sustinability
Expert is a professor of Civil Engineering and manager of the Superpave facility at UTSA. He has more than 20 years of experience in roadways sustainability, maintenance, pavement management and safety. Prior to his arrival to UTSA, he participated in…

Pavements, Asphalt, Concrete, Transportation Engineering, Highway Safety, Surface Defects, and Materials
Expert has extensive experience in pavement and transportation engineering. He has over 25 years of experience. His expertise includes pavement design,asphalt pavements, concrete pavements, asphalt, concrete, materials, maintenance, preservation, rehabilitation and construction. He has strong expertise in construction specifications, construction…

Asphalt Materials, Paving, Pavements, Roads, Roofing, Ports, Airports, and Rheology
Expert has a unique combination of experience that includes working with a major contractor for 10 years, university appointments and consulting for over 20 years. Expert is a member of numerous expert task groups that further promoting the development of…

Dry Bulk Powder Handling
He has been primarily involved in the use of various carbon blacks in pigmentation of plastics, fillers for electrical conductivity and reinforcement. This experience is in the processes of compounding, masterbatching, feeding and storage. Expert has been the primary designer…

Adhesive Consulting, Formulating, & Research in Structural, PSA, Hot Melt, Epoxy, Urethane, & Wood
Expert D. Expert has done adhesive failure analysis projects in connection with establishing cause in litigation cases or in research and production problems. For example, a wood millwork manufacturer claimed an adhesive was faulty, resulting in customer loss and damages.…

Cement and Concrete Technology, Planning Capital Project in Concrete: Concrete Forensics
Dr. S. Expert is a construction materials researcher with a highly successful track record in breakthrough developments in low-porosity, high-strength concrete and subterranean cement grouts using fly ash. He is adept at problem analysis, practical applications development, staff and methods…