Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 726027 Maryland, USA

Industrial Hygiene, Non-Friable Asbestos-Containing Materials, Formaldehyde, Silica, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Accident Investigation, Auditing and Hazard Assessment

He has conducted numerous indoor air quality and environmental mold assessments for commercial and residential environments. Assessment includes monitoring for applicable indoor air consituents, developing corrective action plans, and verification of correction/efficacy. He also lead the indoor air quality committee…

ID: 725319 Pennsylvania, USA

Hazmat Incident Investigation, Evidence Documentation, Collection and Handling, Fire Causation

His expertise involves chemical, biological, radiological and explosive emergency response, scene management and planning. This area of expertise has a limited pool of experts. Expert's knowledge, experience and skills make him one of the foremost experts in the nation on…

ID: 725055 Connecticut, USA

Emergency Medical Services, Dispatch, Emergency Preparedness, Disaster Response

LP, EMSI, CHS-III Expert has 34 years of experience providing services, management consulting and education and training in public safety and emergency management. He has received extensive education in Emergency Services and Public Policy (fire, police and emergency medical services)…

ID: 724745 California, USA

Due Diligence, Competitive Differentiation, Science Scouting, Innovation Assessment, Research Tools, Expert Witness, Cancer Biomarkers, Cancer Immunology, Assay Development, Research Devices

Developed multiple novel immunoassays and immunology products for start-up biotechnology company. Founding Director, Research and Development for privately held company in San Diego. Oversaw innovation and entrepreneurship at Mitchell Cancer Institute resulting in 5 spin-out biotechnology companies in the area…

ID: 724583 , USA

Pharmaceutical & Life Science Research and Manufacturing, New Drug Discovery, Therapeutic Strategy

By using standard analytical tools of cellular and molecular biology he has elucidated the molecular mode of action of an anti-diabetic candidate BMOV on the key components of insulin signaling cascades like IR Kinase (IRK) and IRS complexes including gross…

ID: 723861 Indiana, USA

Process Automation: Process Control, Computer System Validation, Alarm Management, & Modeling

Expert served for several years as a major pharmaceutical company's chief Quality Assurance GMP/GLP computer validation auditor. He chaired the team that developed the company's first policy and guidelines regarding computer validation,- and served for several years as the company's…

ID: 723729 Oregon, USA

Eye Care: Holistic, Conventional & Complimentary, Vision Loss Prevention, Natural Vision Improvement

As a primary care provider for 34 years, he has measured and corrected for the three different types (horizontal, vertical and oblique) of astigmatism on a daily basis. But more than that, he has been able to effectively determine the…

ID: 723489 New Hampshire, USA

Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Health, Hazardous Materials Management, Emergency Response

He championed the implementation of a variety of strategies to reduce workplace accidents and injuries. Strategies included establishment of on site workplace health and safety teams. These teams included both management and labor employees who worked together to identify safety…

ID: 722132 Georgia, USA

Clinical Applications, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Diagnostics, Immunology, and Custom Speaking

Expert has been involved in the identification of biological molecules associated with disease and infection with bacterial and viral agents. By applying molecular techniques to vaccine and infection models, he has identified immunological (antigenic) markers of bacterial infections of human…

ID: 108292 Texas, USA

Chemical Competitor Process/Formulation & Improvement and Tech/Invest Analysis

Experienced in chemical process improvement, Expert has reduced the fouling of manufacturing equipment using variables like pH, temperature, inhibitors for chemical process troubleshooting and process optimization.This helped in reducing production down time and saving money. He has improved analytical instruments,…

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