Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 724690 Australia

Materials Science, Particularly Corrosion: Microbial Corrosion, Materials Selection, Biodegradation

Biodegradation mainly refers to enhanced degradation and deterioration of non-metallic materials such as concrete and polymers to distinguish it from microbial corrosion of metals. Under certain circumstances, there are groups of micro-organisms that are capable of attacking these materials and…

ID: 724520 Ohio, USA

Analytical Science: Elastomers, Plastics, Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, and Transformer Oil

Expert has worked the field of analytical chemistry for over 30 years. His PhD thesis was on phosphorus NMR as a trace analytical tool. He joined Goodyear and both developed analytical methods mainly using HPLC and GC and after 6…

ID: 724213 India

Blown Film and Sheet Extrusion

Responsible for the overall operations including production, new developments and services, is the co-founder of his organisation. He has more than 23 years of experience in plastic processing, machinery manufacturing and product developments. He is an expert in selection of…

ID: 723805 New York, USA

Polymer Processing; Pilot Plant Design; Process Development

After 20 years working for chemical companies expert changed his career to work full-time on chemical plant design. He has worked 15 years for engineering and construction companies doing chemical plant design (chemicals, polymers, pharmaceutical and related fields). He continued…

ID: 723660 California, USA

Surface Science, Polymers, Textiles, Testing Materials, Plastics, Physical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical

Expert worked for three years as the Director of RD&E for the chemical products division of Waters Inc. In addition to the direction of the research in chromatographic media he was co-inventor of 7 patents for water-wettable extraction media and…

ID: 723609 New Jersey, USA

Engineering Plastics, Polymer Chemistry and Applications, Chemical Patents

Expert has written 35 patents (provisional and non-provisional) in the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, biotechnogy and other sciences as a patent agent. He has particular expertise in organic, inorganic and bio-polymers. He has advised many inventors on the…

ID: 723550 Turkey

Glass and Ceramic Plant Design: Erection, Construction, Start-up and Operation

After 4 years of chemical engineering education, he studied in the Department of Glasses, Ceramics and Polymers of Sheffield University, UK where he has obtained M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. Following this, he has spent most of his early professional…

ID: 723545 California, USA

Organic, Polymer and Surface Chemistry, Bioapplications and Separation Technologies

Expert designed and synthesized multifunctional surface chemistries for modification of glass, porous silica gels, carbon and various polymeric substrates in form of the membranes, micro particles, porous monolithic blocks, and capillaries. The following methods have been used for surface functionalzation:…

ID: 723455 Ohio, USA

Mechanics of Composites, Micromechanics, Nanocomposites, Modeling, Probability

For the past 30 years, The Expert proposed and developed a micromechanics methodology to analyze the wide class of statical and dynamical, local and nonlocal, linear and nonlinear micromechanical problems (thermoelasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, piezoelectricity, conductivity) of composite materials with deterministic…

ID: 723180 California, USA

Materials for Electronic Applications

Expert has successfully writen 2 proposals for EPA SBIR grants. The first was for a phase 1 program for the recovery and regeneration of spent etchants. This successful program was followed by a phase 2 proposal and award. That phase…

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