Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Helping Your Workplace Adjust to COVID-19 Changes

Healthcare, technology, real estate, security, and every small business under the sun: No industry has been exempt from the wide-ranging impact of COVID-19 and the U.S.’ response to it. In the short few weeks since social distancing became widely and seriously enacted across the nation, 27% of American workers have been affected by work from home policies — with up to 70 million Americans arranging to telecommute during this period. What does this all mean for you?

Though work from home (WFH) initiatives are intended to keep Americans safer over the short and long term, and would save U.S. employers $30 billion dollars daily, these measures represent no small set of efforts. Peak usage studies already conducted in Italy and China have assessed video streaming quality, bandwidth strains, and provider equipment, with implications for U.S. households. How will internet service providers provide adequate bandwidth for, say, a household with two parents working simultaneously — and one or more school-age children taking classes online or seeking digital entertainment once their remote courses are done?

Right now, you’re probably hoping to better understand how your employees will adapt to the technological implications of WFH policies in the weeks to come. Fortunately, our longstanding panel is stocked with literally hundreds of thought leaders in a wide variety of directly related fields: WiFi, wireless networks, wireless engineering, digital power systems, digital infrastructure, IoT, and numerous related product development and R&D fields and functions. These experts are available to speak with you in the form of a full consultation upon our outreach.

Similarly, business-wide transitions present leaders with interesting and unprecedented challenges. You may need to rely on executive communication methods, especially those that have proven successful in periods of stark change, to share information effectively with their employees and stakeholders. Good news: The breadth and depth of the Intellex network includes hundreds of business leaders whose wisdom and career experience can help you. Our experts possess multifaceted thought leadership in executive leadership, global business strategy, operational excellence, strategic management, and — in dozens and dozens of cases — change management.

Finally, if your business involves grocery, medical devices, or another field relying heavily on supply chain and logistics, you’re solving new and pressing problems during this time. Each of these businesses needs to know how the changing landscape of the supply chain will affect their work. Our panel includes hundreds of supply chain experts, where subfields include logistics, material planning, R&D, purchasing, and distribution for all manner of clients. Services also include supplier partnering and alliances, technology, innovation, customer service, and cost improvement — all essential topics for consideration at this time.

Every field has been impacted by this new global set of challenges, and your business is no exemption. Looking with an expert to answer those tough and novel questions? Look no further. Explore our expert network here

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