Your organization is conducting critical research in a growing field that uses technology to take care of people. When you break into these urgent, modern forms of well-being and meaningful connection, you don’t just need an expert — you need a variety of perspectives.
A client recently came to Intellex asking us to recruit experts in multiple categories of cancer care on a tight timeline. Our team had successfully met this client’s multifaceted recruiting requests in five recent projects, so they returned with another time-sensitive, technical need. Given the variety of angles required to tackle this area in appropriate detail, we collaborated with our client from square one to scope out specific types of interviewees. We agreed to break down, recruit, screen and schedule experts in three categories: 1. oncology, 2. holistic and non-Western medical care, and 3. therapy as applicable to cancer patients and their families. Experts in the first category would need to hold medical degrees.
What We Did
If the Intellex team has one specialty, it’s connecting our clients with the thousands of thought leaders already enrolled in our longstanding network. In this case, we were able to schedule interviews with each of the required oncology physicians from within our network. We then divided the remainder of expert interviews among our team of savvy recruiters to find and screen holistic medicine practitioners and therapy experts — each of which needed to specialize in cancer care in addition to their field and training. This need for overlapping areas of expertise demanded our recruiting acumen and a handful of resources to nail the crossroads of expertise. And that’s why Intellex clients keep coming back.
Our team recruited swiftly and smartly, and we communicated closely with our client throughout the outreach and vetting stage to ensure each of our expert candidates knocked it out of the park. The result? We met our client’s interview target within their very tight interview completion deadline of two weeks. In the end, we exceeded our proposal’s interview stipulation by 200% total.
Timing is Key
As always, we met with our client right after interview completion to ensure their satisfaction and to stay diligent on improving the Intellex process. Their team was particularly happy that we met their goal under time duress. This timing is a historical major area of success for the Intellex team — confirmed “great” despite the constraints we were given. Our team was also praised for our specificity in breaking down subcategories of each type of expert. We like to make our clients very happy without leaving any room for doubt on recruiting criteria! Our careful, agreed-upon combination of experts in different sides of cancer care enabled our client to assess this field from three specific angles — each featuring multiple experts to provide a variety of professional perspectives. As in our past work with this client, this series of interviews formed a constellation to thoroughly address the number of facets our client needed.
Our client reported “no complaints” on Intellex’s client communication process, especially our periodic updates: Responsiveness, explanation of our process, and our sharing expert biographies and notes. Our contact described our end-to-end client care and process as “quite smooth” — and the results speak for themselves.
Client Success
In the end, our client was able to effectively advise their own client, gaining further trust and conducting the research they needed. Looking to serve your industry, your organization, or your client in a new, hot area of technology? Reach out to the Intellex team now!