When your organization is developing and leveraging hot, new areas of technology and innovation, you need to find a team who can recruit the thought leaders you need — fast. A client recently came to Intellex to find and schedule 10 voice technology experts on a tight timeline.
Since our team had provided this client with consistent success in our last four projects together, they returned to us seeking another recruitment with speed and flexibility. We worked together to confirm subcategories: voice integration; voice technology; hardware for connected areas and appliances; smart home innovation; natural language processing; VR and gaming; and security for voice, connected home technology, and IoT. Specifics included Alexa and Siri, as well as how people communicate verbally and non-verbally with technology. These parameters required us to find and vet tech experts using specificity and care.
What We Did to Find the Tech Experts
Intellex has focused on growing our representation in disruptive and exciting customer-oriented technology fields for the last several years. As a result, we were able to recruit nearly all of the interview participants from within our massive network of experts. Through collaboration and diligent client communication, we met our client’s target of all 10 interviews within their two-week interview completion deadline. We scheduled and completed the first 80% in the first week. We landed four more interviews than the five included as the minimum target in the proposal.
We met with our client right after IDI completion to ensure their satisfaction and to take note of ways to improve our process. Their team was particularly happy with Intellex’s clear and organized approach, including “concurrent files” for candidate review and collaborative updating to include expert bio information, screening approval, and IDI competition. From the beginning, our client was thrilled with our “preemptive chat” regarding timeline, steps and project planning — a thorough scoping conversation we held with care in advance of proposal materials and expert recruitment.
What We Learned from the Recruiting
One of our panel experts had worked on a very small team developing Alexa, putting him as close to the knowledge source as possible. His interview became a focal point for our client’s synthesis. His insights took precedence not only for his extremely high-level, exclusive expertise but also for his “arts perspective” and “creative angle.” Our client also gathered significant insight from our swift custom recruit in universal design — a field that includes voice technology responding to older voices, transgender voices, and other needs-specific commands and applications. All ten interviews provided a “constellation” covering the variety of specific angles and subcategories our client needed.
To their pleasant surprise and productive research, the interview series created new questions for our client — primarily framing the home as a place of love and care and what this means for the emotional benefit of voice technology. Is this technology good? Bad? Actually helpful? Additional new questions included household multi-users and spouses’ different voices; privacy controls — say, children’s use of potentially dangerous kitchen items; and the detractors from conversing with household members and accidentally activating voice technology.
What Our Client Learned
In the end, through the technology expert interviews, our client was able to effectively advise their own client, gaining further trust and conducting the research they needed.
Looking to serve your industry, your organization, or your client in a new, hot area of technology? Reach out to the Intellex team now!