Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Dairy Product & Process Development: Ricotta Processing, Bifido Products, Probiotics, WHEY, etc.
DAIRY PROCESSING; DAIRY PRODUCT. Expert has 24 years experience in dairy processing. He has developed lactose reduced milk products, an all-dairy formulated cream cheese, processed cheese, ricotta processing techniques, and yogurts stabilized with milk products. He is also familiar with…
Meteorology, Climatology, Forensic Meteorology, Hurricanes, Air Quality
Expert B. Expert has expertise in many areas of meteorology and meteorological applications including analysis of meteorological variables and evaluation of effects and impacts on weather-sensitive operations. This involves the analysis of weather radar data to determine the effect of…
Recognition Systems, Imaging, Check Imaging
Expert has expertise in document imaging. He managed the development of the world's highest throughput image system for bank check capture, processing, storage, retrieval, character recognition, magnetic character encoding, and image statement printing. He is highly knowledgeable of applying image…
Air Toxics and Hazardous Waste
Expert is a Vice President and Director of Air Toxics Monitoring and Chemistry within ENSR, in their Acton, MA office. He works principally in the toxic air pollutant area and, in particular, the characterization, quantification, and control of toxic air…
Internetworking, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and Digital Communication
Expert has over 35 years of experience in the computer/communications industry and specializes in network technology. As founder and president of DAX Associates, an 18-year-old network industry analyst and consulting firm, he has assisted numerous clients in developing application solutions…
Selection of Structural Adhesives for Plastics, Metals, & Composites in Production
ADHESION TO FIBERGLASS, ELASTOMER, GLASS, METAL, PLASTIC, SPECIFIC MATERIAL. For over 30 years, Expert's has been involved in the detailed matching of structural adhesives for all substrates when used within a production environment, with particular emphasis on plastic assembly with…
Wood Science, Wood Technology, Wood Preservation, Wood Biodeterioration
WOOD PRESERVATION; WOOD PRESERVATIVES; WOOD IMPREGNATION. Expert has expertise in many aspects of wood preservation. He has experience in operating wood treating plants, and is thoroughly familiar with commercial preservatives. He is a pioneer in the development of new wood…
Automation, Special Machinery, Product Design, Design reviews, Patent reviews
Expert has 40 years of experience in the design of products, production machinery, integrated manufacturing systems, and factory automation for the food, medical, drug, cosmetic, apparel, electronic, battery disposables, electrical, automotive, rubber, plastic, paper, textiles and many other industries. His…
Uses of Polymers, plastics, silver and other metals. EPA regulatory processes
For the past 25 years, expert has been actively involved in all phases of medical plastics synthesis, processing, and use. His experience includes custom formulation of polymers, analysis of medical markets, and selection of materials that will withstand the various…
Food Quality Control & Development
FOOD PROCESSING; FOOD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT; FOOD PRODUCTS. Expert's career has involved a wide range of products, equipment, and plant scale-up. He is particularly skillful in translating benchwork to successful plant manufacturing. FOOD QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL. Expert has been…