Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Energy, Sustainability, Architecture, Building Materials, Construction Methods, Codes, Controls, Defects, Waterproofing, Standard of Care
Expert is Founding Principal of an architecture and consulting firm in California, with over 20 years of experience in green building. He also provides innovative study guides for young architects. He was the founding Chair of (Undisclosed) for The San…

Commercial and Residential Architectural Construction & Engineering, Waterproofing, etc.
Expert’s diverse and extensive expertise in building architecture or construction includes but not limited to various applications in: Complex design-build and fast-track, overall construction phases, interfacing or interaction and dealings with owners, building departments (including codes) or government agencies, construction…

Construction: General, Electrical, and HVAC Contractor, Building Envelope & Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Disciplines
Expert is a distinguished construction consultant, expert witness, and construction management advisor with over 36 years of experience in the construction industry. As a licensed General, Electrical, and HVAC Contractor in California for 25 years, Expert has cultivated specialized expertise…

Construction, Infrastructure, Real Estate, Industrials, Energy (RES, BESS), Manufacturing, Water & Wastewater, ESG, Metals & Minerals, Mining, Critical Raw Materials and Emissions
Expert is an Independent Consultant, with over 30 years of experience in the European Building, Construction and Real Estate Industry, and is frequently involved in commercial due diligence projects. Expert's Market Intelligence firm has fulfilled hundreds of challenging projects for…

Real Estate: Brokerage, Class \’B\’ Contracting, Remodeling, Damage Assessment, and Risk Management
Expert is licensed as a General “B” Contractor since 1989, and has worked on numerous projects, mostly in the realm of a remodeling perspective. His focus has been on kitchen and bathroom remodels, opening up rooms, moving electrical and plumbing,…

Construction and Management
Expert owns a construction consultants’ company and has over 35 years of experience; His specialty is risk management, disputes, construction defect and property loss. Expert also holds 19 years as an Expert Witness. His company brings over 35 years of…

Structural Engineering
Expert has a wide and diverse breadth of experience over 40 years, including disaster response and mitigation, failure analysis, natural hazard mitigation and response, dynamics, advanced analysis techniques, and instrumentation. Among other projects, he has been involved with demolition; construction…

Sourcing / Procurement / SCM Functions
Expert is a seasoned Procurement / SCM professional with over 30 years of industry experience with a reputed diversified group of companies. He has been heading Procurement / Sourcing / SCM functions in a complex business environment for 23 years…

Forensic Photographer, Videographer and Expert Witness
I am a forensic photographer and videographer. I work with attorneys, insurance companies, construction companies and various government organizations. I photograph and videotape forensic evidence for personal injury attorneys, medical malpractice attorneys, construction defect attorneys, insurance companies, construction companies and…

Construction Defect
With over 10 years in the Construction Defect business and more than 25 years in construction I have the background, training and experience required to effectively investigate building defects and failures, and analyze the cause and extent of damage. At…