Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 725562 Michigan, USA

Hydrogeology: Modeling, Remediation, 3D Visualization, Geochemistry Litigation

Expert has conducted geochemical and hydrogeological evaluations of natural attenuation at a number of industrial and refining facilities. His expertise as a contaminant hydrogeologist and geochemistry has allows him to evaluate the fate and transport of chemical in groundwater in…

ID: 725487 New York, USA

Waste Management, Waste Treatment, Incineration, Air Pollution Control, Combustion, and Environmental Issues

Expert has more than 50 years of comprehensive consulting & engineering experience particularly involving air pollution control systems, equipment & permitting; combustion, & combustion control systems and equipment; incinerators, boilers and industrial furnaces and plants; and the management, treatment and…

ID: 725467 Oklahoma, USA

Structure-Property Relationships of Polymers, Polymer Composites and Polymer Nanocomposites

Expert has published numerous papers on surfactant and polymer adsorption at water-solid interfaces. A great deal of his work involves characterization and properties of amorphous polymers, especially polystyrene and its various derivatives. He earned B.S. and PhD degrees in Chemical…

ID: 725464 Kentucky, USA

Mechanical Engineering for HVAC Systems

Expert is President of Adams Frazier Anderson, Inc. Consulting Engineers. He has over 40 years Mechanical Engineering experience for Architectural, Industrial, and Government projects with an emphasis on heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and control systems.

ID: 725392 Nebraska, USA

Metallurgical Engineering, Corrosion Engineering, Marine & Pipeline Corrosion, Cathodic Protection

Expert has performed research in aqueous corrosion, primarily in seawater. He has provided assistance in the design of equipment and facilities exposed to aqueous environments, including seawater, freshwater, potable water and wastewater. As seawater contains substantial amount of chloride, this…

ID: 725391 France

Process Inorganic Chemistry and Liquid Solid Crystallization and Fluid Bed Processes

He was deeply involved in a large segment of inorganic chemistry within SOLVAY who is a major actor (3 billions Euros turn over in inorganic chemicals). Expertise area covers most of steps of processes with special emphasis on crystallization: liquid…

ID: 725339 Malaysia

Water, Wastewater, Chemical Engineering, Dyestuffs, Textile Auxiliaries

He has aerobic biological wastewater treatment experience for the municipal wastewater in Penang, Hong Kong and Europe. Same time he has knowledge of industrial wastewater aerobic treatment in project for Acidchem International oleochemical plant wastewater treatment plant refurbishment and upgrading…

ID: 725294 United Kingdom

Paper Chemicals – World-Wide Market, Business, Products, Applications, Sourcing, etc.

Over 25 years experience of paper chemicals and their application and marketing to industry world-wide: - Generation and selection of new product ideas - R&D and R&D management - Introduction into production - Market introduction - Marketing of new products…

ID: 725280 Texas, USA

Construction Contract Dispute Resolution

Today, Expert is a specialist in the negotiation and resolution of construction claims and disputes. He is also an expert witness, mediator, arbitrator and forensic engineering consultant. However, He started out working as a Construction Engineer back in 1965. He…

ID: 725205 West Virginia, USA

Polymer Processing, Rheology and Composites, including Nanocomposites

Expert has personal experience with resin transfer molding and pultrusion. He has published work on modeling of pultrusion of vinyl ester composites. He teaches a graduate-level course on composite material processing. Expert has been doing research on polymer nanocomposites since…

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