Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Influent, Boiler, Cooling and Waste Treatment, Refinery, Petrochemical, Steel, Paper
Ms. Expert has an Bachelor's Degree in Science and a Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering. Expert has experience in the field of municipal water and wastewater treatment. Expert worked for a large municipal drinking water treatment plant and has several…
Wine Technology & Analysis, IR Spectroscopy, Chemometrics, Quality Management, Commercialization
Has worked in the wine industry for over 20 years, mainly in technical capacities. Has consulted in new product development for wine-based beverage products. Technical oversight of contract packaging operations for water products. Extensive experience in the use of chemometrics…
Design and Engineering of Chemical Plants and Petroleum Refineries
As a Registered Professional Engineer, Expert has provided expert testimony and litigation support in cases involving petrochemical processing and has worked for law firms as an Engineering Consultant. His job as a consultant is to study technical documents and review…
Microfinance, Microenterprise, Livelihoods, Value Chain, PSD,Economic & Financial Analysis, PME, ROM
* “Shrimp and Fish Culture Development Project” The project aimed at livelihood support to people below poverty line and, was developed and implemented through public-private partnership. As a management consultant, worked out economics of the project and working capital requirement;…
Offshore Oil and Gas Construction Management
Offshore Installation Advisor, Interface and Delivery Coordinator and Offshore Representative with over 47 years of project management experience in offshore construction, fabrication, and marine installation. A US/UK dual citizen resident in London. Offshore credentials include in-date OPITO BOSIET and GOM…
Microbial Contamination Issues
Expert is an expert microbial investigator. He has 10 years of experience as a professional microbiology consultant in the commercial, residential and manufacturing sectors. His lab and team can perform diagnostics with microbial contaminates and manufacturing facilities. He served as…
Navigation of the Maze of Environmental Regulations, Environmental Issue Analysis, Pragmatic Environmental Solutions, Environmental Regulations
Expert has the technical and scientific expertise to navigate the maze of environmental regulations. He concentrates on resolving the synergistic, interdisciplinary environmental issues posed by the discovery and remediation of toxic and hazardous chemicals. More importantly, he has the ability…
Hydrogeology: Modeling, Remediation, 3D Visualization, Geochemistry Litigation
Expert has conducted geochemical and hydrogeological evaluations of natural attenuation at a number of industrial and refining facilities. His expertise as a contaminant hydrogeologist and geochemistry has allows him to evaluate the fate and transport of chemical in groundwater in…
Waste Management, Waste Treatment, Incineration, Air Pollution Control, Combustion, and Environmental Issues
Expert has more than 50 years of comprehensive consulting & engineering experience particularly involving air pollution control systems, equipment & permitting; combustion, & combustion control systems and equipment; incinerators, boilers and industrial furnaces and plants; and the management, treatment and…
Importing and Exporting of Food; Food Ingredients and Beverages; and Market Research and Planning
Expert helps client companies select target markets, determine which distribution channel to use to reach them, and set up that channel. For example, it was decided that a Brazilian producer of honey could sell retail packages to consumers on the…