Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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ISO 9001:2008 for plastic industry, Plastic Molding Processes, Metal Injection Molding process; Elec
He is RAB certified Lead Auditor for ISO-9001:2000:2008 since 1994, with second and third party auditing experience; He trained clients for ISO 9001:2008 QMS certifications and taught CMQOE (Certified Quality Manager’s) course through ASQ and Internal Auditor courses, and ISO…
Sustainability, Environmental Chemistry, Water and Wastewater Treatment
Treatability studies and process design for chemical, photochemical and biological treatment of groundwater, wastewater, and leachates. Utilization of respirometric technique for biological treatment of wastewater, soil bioremediation and evaluation of toxic effect of pesticides and heavy metals on biological systems.…
Landfill Optimization of Air-Space, Leachate and Gas Management, Environmental Assessment/Remediatio
Expert provides over 40 years experience involved in compliance, permitting, and assessing environmental impacts of landfills, wastewater treatment facilities and contaminated sites. He previously worked 23 years for a large waste company and most recently as the Director of New…
Forest Soil Productivity; Soil Carbon Sequestration; Bioenergy Feedstock Sustainability
Expert has advanced degrees, including a Ph.D. and postdoctoral study, and over 30 years of experience in research, teaching, and extension in forest soils, including supervising over 40 graduate students, teaching dozens of classes, acquiring over $15 million in grants…
Forensic & Diagnostic Architecture: Construction Defects, Design Error & Omission, Condition Assessment & Performance Testing
Expert is an AIA Emeritus Architect with Bachelor and Master of Architecture degrees from the Tulane University School of Architecture. He has over 50 years of experience with project planning, building design, construction contract production administration & management, property condition…
Hydrogeology, Groundwater Modeling, Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling
Expert earned his Ph.D. in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research covers a range of technical interests in hydrology and water resources, from theoretical to computational to technological, on fundamental as well as…
Visual Impact Assessment Methodology
Expert. Expert has had 30 years of experience in developing methods for visual resource assessment for Federal and State agencies including the US Forest Service, USDI Bureau of Land Management, US Corps of Engineers and US EPA. He also has…
Water Pollution, Fish Kills, EIAs and Ecological Surveys of Rivers, Estuaries and Coastal Waters
Expert is an expert in aquatic biology and aquatic chemistry, and has been working in these fields since 1978. His PhD was on the impact of industrial and sewage discharges on estuarine ecology and sediment contamination. He works in freshwater,…
Injection Molding Projects from Design to Productionizing, On Site Training & Efficiency Improvement
Expert, a practicing consultant in the plastics field offers specific and customized solutions to the needs of the clients especially in the injection molding segment. With more than 28 years of experience in the industry, having worked on global assignments…
Environmental Data Analysis, Time Series, Geostatistics, Pollutant Exposure, Water and Wastewater
During the past 32 years Expert has developed and applied time series and geo-statistical models to environmental quality and hydrologic data. Research and educational experiences include the development and teaching of graduate level engineering courses on this topic and the…