Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Thin Films, Coatings, and Instruments
Expert has more than fifteen years of experience in the areas of experimental thin films and coatings. The range of thin films include, AL, Cr, Ni-Cr, Pd, Au, SeGe, In, polyvinylalcohol, polyvilylchloride, Si0x, electroless Au, electroless Ni, and electroless Pd.…
Powdered Metals & P/M Products
Expert has founded and operated businesses that produce powdered metal parts. He is the co-founder and President of his organization. The development of metals and alloys has been the focus of his career. He understands thoroughly the manufacturing process that…
Dielectric Phenomena
Some of Expert's prior work has centered on the design and appraisal of transformer insulation structures, with particular emphasis on oil/cellulose systems. This work has involved both fundamental research on mechanistic aspects and the implications for design. He has been…
Pure Metals & Compound Semiconductors
SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY; BRIDGMAN TECHNIQUE; CZOCHRALSKI PROCESS. Expert has 43 years of experience in the growth, characterization, and fabrication (to wafers, etc.) of the infrared sensitive compound semiconductors, including InSb, GaSb, InAs, CdTe, HgTe, and (Cd-Hg)Te. He presently is focusing primarily…
Reactive Metals
A significant portion of Expert's career centered on the reduction of titanium tetrachloride, using magnesium and/or sodium to obtain titanium metal. In particular, one portion was involved with the high-capacity production of molten titanium directly via a flow reactor. This…
Thin Film Science and Technology
Expert has focused his technical expertise on the fabrication, characterization, and utilization of thin films and thin film materials. He has used a variety of techniques for the growth of thin films and coatings including chemical vapor deposition of metal…
Boron, Inorganic, & Analytical Chemistry
ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY; TRANSITION ELEMENT CHEMISTRY; BORON HYDRIDE CHEMISTRY; CARBORANE. Expert' research has centered on the chemistry of boron hydrides, carboranes, and their transition-metal and main group metal derivatives (metallaboranes and metallacarboranes). In recent years, he has been increasingly involved in…
Chemistry of Materials
APPLIED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Expert has extensive experience in applied inorganic chemistry. Using new sol-gel methods that employ hydrogen peroxide, Expert has made a variety of ceramics and minerals, for example, forsterite, enstatite, and members of the olivine family. Sols (colloidal…
Thin Films, Vacuum Technology, thin film resistors, semiconductor processing
Expert has over 25 years experience in all areas of physical vapor deposition. He is experienced in vacuum and sputter deposition, as well as reactive and diode sputtering. He heads a company offering services and manufacturing in this area, consults…