Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Organic Coatings: Comprehensive Knowledge of the Theory and Practice
COATINGS; LIQUID COATINGS; POLYMER COATINGS. Expert has over 40 years of research, development, and teaching experience in coating technology. He was trained as an organic chemist but switched to synthetic polymer chemistry early in his career. While his experience in…
Environmental Cleanup
GROUNDWATER; HAZARDOUS WASTE; HYDROGEOLOGY; SLUDGE TREATMENT. Expert works as a hydrogeologist in the technical review of hazardous waste facility permit applications, site closure plans and ground water monitoring plans. He conducts field investigations and site inspections and has a thorough…
Surface Mount Solders
Expert has extensive expert witness experience in product liability, supply chain issues, patent dispute, etc. Core Expertise Areas: • Expert witness- extensive experience in product liability, supply chain issues, patent dispute, etc. • Intellectual property - management and dispute resolution…
Thin Film Science and Technology
Expert has focused his technical expertise on the fabrication, characterization, and utilization of thin films and thin film materials. He has used a variety of techniques for the growth of thin films and coatings including chemical vapor deposition of metal…
Cereal Chemistry
CEREAL FOOD; CEREAL SCIENCE; WHEAT FLOUR. Expert (pronounced Hahz-nee, ) has devoted most of his career to studying how flour interacts to form baked food products. His research has involved chemical separation of the components of wheat flour and determination…
Food Engineering/Crystallization
Expert has been studying crystallization processes for the past 16 years with an emphasis on crystallization in foods. His current emphasis involves controlling crystallization (either promoting or preventing) of sugars, ice, and fats. This research involves both basic aspects of…
Polymer Coatings, Adhesives Development, Polymer Characterization, Expert Witness
Expert is actively involved in the development of a wide range of polymer films and coatings for his clients. He has particular expertise in the development of ultraviolet and electron-beam-curable coatings, both clear and pigmented. He has developed close working…
Metal Can Manufacturing and Filling Problems, Printing, Anilox Rolls, Inks & Coatings, etc.
Expert has over 20 years of experience in the metal container industry with specific emphasis in can manufacturing, R&D, interior and exterior can coatings, can evaluation, cost reduction analysis, chemical/ physical testing of can components and canned products, and can…
Forestry, Soil, environmental (atmospheric) pollution
Expert (pronounced greegle) considers himself to be a forest ecologist, with an emphasis on the effects of disturbances on forests. Many of the disturbances which effect forests are related to humans, such as air pollution (acid rain and ozone) and…
Boron, Inorganic, & Analytical Chemistry
ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY; TRANSITION ELEMENT CHEMISTRY; BORON HYDRIDE CHEMISTRY; CARBORANE. Expert' research has centered on the chemistry of boron hydrides, carboranes, and their transition-metal and main group metal derivatives (metallaboranes and metallacarboranes). In recent years, he has been increasingly involved in…