Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Electronics Reliability and Testing, Electronics Packaging Semiconductor Packaging, Patent Analysis
Expert has worked under sponsorship from the US Air Force on the development of integrated circuit, hybrid, and multichip module package design guidelines, focusing on reliability, to enable the design of packages for specific end-use environments. The report for this…
Vacuum Processes, Optical Multilayer Thin Films, Ophthalmic Lenses, Photochromic Dyes, Diamond film
THIN FILM, HIGH VACUUM, THIN-FILM DEPOSITION PROCESS. Expert has expertise in many aspects of thin film deposition processes including physical vapor deposition, rf and dc magnetron sputtering, ion beam sputtering, ion-assisted deposition, and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). He developed an…
CFC Alternatives, Electronics; Circuit Board; Circuit Board Solvents; Chlorofluorocarbon
Expert was responsible for developing and evaluating new products for their ability to substitute for CFC-113 solvents in electronics defluxing and industrial cleaning applications. He directed and managed the testing of two products for the IPC/DoD/EPA Phase 2 Test; both…
Food Additives and Ingredients, Food Processing
Expert has had over 30 years of experience in food research and food processing technologies. He has engaged in the formulation and preservation of food throughout his professional career. He is familiar with the composition, classification, methods of preservation, nutritional…
Design for Test, Test Strategy, SMT Mfg, High-Speed Dig Design & PCB Layout, EMI/EMC, Digital Design
Expert has over thirty year’s experience in the design, manufacturing, and test areas. His initial education was in Industrial Engineering (IE) and Business Administration. After receiving his BSEE/MSEE, where he majored in digital design, computers, and software. Expert became highly…
Biomass Power Generation Technology and Engineering: Design, Construction and Operations
Expert has expertise in multiple forms of energy generation, including steam boilers and gas turbine prime movers. He also has experience with gas and fuel oil reciprocating engine generators and small-head hydroelectric facilities. He is expert in the utility and…
Exercise Physiology Nutrition
EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY. Expert is an expert in the bodily responses of people to exercise. He is extremely knowledgeable about the physiological factors which limit or determine a person's ability to exercise. He has studied a wide variety of people ranging…
Web Development, Database Driven Wrb Applications dDvelopment, Yahoo! Stores and Ecommerce Solutions
Expert has spent the past 20 years in engineering of surface mount technology (SMT) and hybrid microelectronics. He has concentrated on automated assembly and design for manufacturability. He founded AMTI (The Advanced Manufacturing Technology Institute) to provide a core group…
Microvias, Blind Microvia Laser Drilling, Circuit Board Fabrication
Expert's entire career has been devoted to developing, introducing, and managing advanced circuit board technology, including activities within the circuit board design environment. He is currently introducing 0.008 inch, 0.006 inch, and 0.003 inch laser drilling processes into the domestic…
Petroleum Process Analysis, Sample Conditioning Systems Design, Process Analyzers, etc.
Expert has expertise in many aspects of industrial, process, utility, and municipal process plant systems engineering. A significant portion of his career in this area has involved solving process analysis problems in the petroleum refining and petrochemical industries. He has…