Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 725548 Kentucky, USA

Executive Management, Business Start-up and Improvement, Product Development, Marketing, Operations

Expert has demonstrated a continually progressive career path and has a unique and diverse background and proven business, financial, technical and management expertise in a variety of technology industries, including aerospace, medical and automotive applications. He has experience in managing…

ID: 725402 Ohio, USA

Specialty and Fine Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Resins, Coatings

He has worked in the process development, manufacturing related to the technologies, chemistries. He has also worked in intellectual property strategy, commercialization of many different technologies. He is able to do this as he has cross- fertilized manufacturing and processes…

ID: 725294 United Kingdom

Paper Chemicals – World-Wide Market, Business, Products, Applications, Sourcing, etc.

Over 25 years experience of paper chemicals and their application and marketing to industry world-wide: - Generation and selection of new product ideas - R&D and R&D management - Introduction into production - Market introduction - Marketing of new products…

ID: 725177 India

Information Technology and Cyberlaws, Intellectual Property and Commercial Laws Practice

Expert has successfully advised clients on conducting business online and ensuring all legal compliances have been made. She has suggested better models of doing business through e-commerce and assisted in developing new e-marketing tools and models for a web business.…

ID: 725156 North Carolina, USA

Pharmaceutical Imaging, Biological, Physical and Analytical Research, Pharma Commercial Viability

He served as the CEO, President of two public companies, one private company and also as the Chairman of the Board of a Not-for-Profit. His experiences include: managing research, clinical studies, finance, managing personnel, legal issues, patent issues, restructuring companies,…

ID: 725136 Illinois, USA

Technology Transfer, Technology Forecasting and Innovation, Mobile Application R&D, Wearable Systems

Expert has over 20 years of developing or leading the development of application software for both personal computers and mobile devices. He is experienced in Java, C, Smalltalk, and C++. Object Oriented Analysis, Design, and Development were used in all…

ID: 725088 California, USA

Medical Devices, Electronic Systems, Acoustics and Hearing, Intellectual Property

Because of his long-term interest in sound and hearing, Expert has been involved with many aspects of acoustic measurement. He has developed proprietary technology for sound level measurement and noise dose determination and has utilized his skills in acoustic measurement…

ID: 725075 Minnesota, USA

Orphan Drugs: FDA/EU/Canada; FDA Approval; Drug Development: CMC, QA, QC, Manufacturing

12 product approvals from FDA including 6 new chemical entities, a 510k device, and three major pharmaceutical efficacy indication supplemental approvals. All received 5-10 years of regulatory exclusivity (Hatch-Waxman, Orphan Drug). These products are generating over $100 million dollars in…

ID: 725037 Minnesota, USA

Development and Assurance of High-Assurance / Safety-Critical Software & Embedded Systems

Expert has substantial experience with software safety and reliability. Most of his career has been spent working with high-assurance systems and safety-critical software. He has developed software for commercial aviation systems, for medical devices, and for industrial controls and safety…

ID: 724956 France

Nanomanufacturing Processes

Expert has 20 + years of experience in technical and business aspects of nanomanufacturing. He has been involved in the implementation of thin film technologies in various devices such as semiconductors, sensors, magnetic recording heads, displays (OLEDS,TFT),HB-LED, photovoltaics (CIGS,..) EUV…

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