Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 726307 Ohio, USA

Fabric Softener Formulations, Product Development, Manufacturing, Technical Issues, and Markets/Sales

Over the past 20 years, Expert has applied his 3 decades of surface chemistry and surfactant background to the design and technical developments of biodegradable rinse cycle and dryer sheet fabric softener formulations for the global consumer and industrial marketplaces.…

ID: 725820 Tennessee, USA

Polymers, Materials, Theory and Simulation of Materials

Expert has done research in condensed matter physics for more than 20 years, with more than 50 peer reviewed articles. He had many students working under his supervision in condensed matter physics. His research is mainly performed via theoretical and…

ID: 725690 New Jersey, USA

Industrial Mineral FiIlers, Coupling Agents, Silanes, and Treatment Technology, Nano Metalic Oxides

Expert is presently consulting for Gelest Corporation working to promote next generation silane chemistry as well as developing new business for their State Of The Art mineral treatment facility. Nanophase Technologies developinging next generation, out of the ordinary usage of…

ID: 725467 Oklahoma, USA

Structure-Property Relationships of Polymers, Polymer Composites and Polymer Nanocomposites

Expert has published numerous papers on surfactant and polymer adsorption at water-solid interfaces. A great deal of his work involves characterization and properties of amorphous polymers, especially polystyrene and its various derivatives. He earned B.S. and PhD degrees in Chemical…

ID: 725402 Ohio, USA

Specialty and Fine Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Resins, Coatings

He has worked in the process development, manufacturing related to the technologies, chemistries. He has also worked in intellectual property strategy, commercialization of many different technologies. He is able to do this as he has cross- fertilized manufacturing and processes…

ID: 725175 Ohio, USA

Synthetic Lubricant Business from Oleo and Petrochemical Sources, Marketing Strategies

The area of applied organic chemistry is very broad. He will specifically target the application of organic esters and oligomers of C8-C12 alphaolefins in the areas of synthetic and biodegradeable lubricants. He also offers an knowledge base and resource for…

ID: 725156 North Carolina, USA

Pharmaceutical Imaging, Biological, Physical and Analytical Research, Pharma Commercial Viability

He served as the CEO, President of two public companies, one private company and also as the Chairman of the Board of a Not-for-Profit. His experiences include: managing research, clinical studies, finance, managing personnel, legal issues, patent issues, restructuring companies,…

ID: 724872 New Jersey, USA

Catalysis and Materials Characterization, Development of Biochemical Sensors, Electrode Surfaces

Expert has over thirty years of experience in both basic and applied research. His graduate work was concerned with the development of biochemical sensors based on chemically modified thermistors and electrodes using enthalpimetric and electroanalytical techniques. He also worked on…

ID: 724825 New Jersey, USA

In-Process Analytical, cGMP Auditing, Polymer Characterization, Analytical Lab Design and Management

Expert has 32 years of industrial analytical chemistry experience. For the last 24 years of that period, he headed the analytical R&D organization of International Specialty Products, a $1.7B specialty chemical company (as of 2007). In his time heading that…

ID: 724606 South Africa

R&D Project Design, Paper Coatings, Additives & Nanocomposite Materials, Colloid Chemistry, Polymers

He is actively leading researches in the field of controlled free-radical polymerization mediated by Reversible Activation-Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT) in homogenous and heterogeneous media. The uniqueness of his work lies in the combination of modern methods of controlled free-radical polymerization…

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