Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 726027 Maryland, USA

Industrial Hygiene, Non-Friable Asbestos-Containing Materials, Formaldehyde, Silica, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Accident Investigation, Auditing and Hazard Assessment

He has conducted numerous indoor air quality and environmental mold assessments for commercial and residential environments. Assessment includes monitoring for applicable indoor air consituents, developing corrective action plans, and verification of correction/efficacy. He also lead the indoor air quality committee…

ID: 725726 Belgium

Nanotechnology, Biomaterials, Sol-gel Sciences, Optics, Biotechnology, Glass, Ceramics, Spectroscopy

Expert is a specialist of sol-gel chemistry. He developed a new non-aqueous method for sol-gel glass coating to obtain transparent films for integrated optics and photonics using polysiloxane materials. The aim was to obtain low-softening temperature glasses to permit facile…

ID: 724166 New Jersey, USA

Fiber Reinforced Composites, Bio-Based Materials, Phenolic Resin Technology

Expert is very knowledgeable in composite materials involving a reinforcing fiber [such as E and S glass], Carbon Fiber, and Organic fiber such as Aramid and organic matrix resins based on thermosetting and thermoplastic resins with the TS resins being…

ID: 723660 California, USA

Surface Science, Polymers, Textiles, Testing Materials, Plastics, Physical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical

Expert worked for three years as the Director of RD&E for the chemical products division of Waters Inc. In addition to the direction of the research in chromatographic media he was co-inventor of 7 patents for water-wettable extraction media and…

ID: 722916 Texas, USA

Oil & Gas/LNG/Chemical Project Development & Management; Engineering & Construction

Expert F. Expert has applied professional chemical engineering knowledge, skills, and experience in evaluating, developing, and selecting alternative chemical process technologies, and has contributed to process improvements developed from existing technologies. Recent technical work involved devising an economical method to…

ID: 722893 Georgia, USA

Environmental Consulting – Industrial Wastewater & Process & Hazardous wastes

Expert has designed and refined and modeled activated sludge processes using a variety of models and have published technical articles on his work. Expert has designed and used air strippers in the treatment of groundwater and for oxidation. He is…

ID: 722299 Michigan, USA

Plastics; Plastic Failure Analysis

Leading expert on the failure of plastic piping including CPVC, PVC, and PEX. Globally renowned expert in styrene polymerization and polystyrene Have extensive experience conducting failure analysis of plastic and composite parts. Have served as an expert witness in about…

ID: 722290 Canada

Adhesive Consulting, Formulating, & Research in Structural, PSA, Hot Melt, Epoxy, Urethane, & Wood

Expert D. Expert has done adhesive failure analysis projects in connection with establishing cause in litigation cases or in research and production problems. For example, a wood millwork manufacturer claimed an adhesive was faulty, resulting in customer loss and damages.…

ID: 107863 Connecticut, USA

Plastics Selection, Design, Compound, Processing, Testing, Failure, Pipes and Membrane

Expert is an expert in plastic piping, having in-depth knowledge of polyethylene pipe, PE gas pipe, PVC pipe, ABS pipe, crosslinked-polyethylene (PEX) pipe, polybutylene pipe, and related fittings. He is equally proficient with pipe joining processes using solvent cement and…

ID: 107698 Missouri, USA

Toxicology (Benzene, Solvents, Metals); Medical Science and Microbiology (Causation); Environmental (Risk Assessment)

Expert has the Ph.D. in Microbiology with 30+ years of research and teaching experience with appointments in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine; the Biomedical Sciences Department, and as Adjunct Professor of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine; and as…

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