Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 724825 New Jersey, USA

In-Process Analytical, cGMP Auditing, Polymer Characterization, Analytical Lab Design and Management

Expert has 32 years of industrial analytical chemistry experience. For the last 24 years of that period, he headed the analytical R&D organization of International Specialty Products, a $1.7B specialty chemical company (as of 2007). In his time heading that…

ID: 724748 California, USA

Opto-Mechanical System Design, Performance Modeling, Electrooptics, Lasers

He has extended expertise in advanced geometrical as well as wave optics as evidenced by years of successful optical design experience using industry-standard ZEMAX and OSLO optical design packages. Expert's experience in biomedical imaging is based on two years of…

ID: 724481 United Kingdom

Pharmaceutical Development, CMC, Project Management, Intellectual Property

Expert has developed modified release products throughout his career. Most recently he led the development of proprietary oral modified release systems at Phoqus Pharmaceuticals. These included zero-order, increasing-rate, pulsatile, delayed-release, chronotherapeutic and fast-release formulations. Prior to that he was responsible…

ID: 724412 Maryland, USA

Missile, Nuclear, Oil/Gas Industry in Russia and Ukraine. World-Wide Space Launch Services/Markets

His area of expertise is competitive intelligence in Russian gas industry and Russian gas exports, including available and prospected gas deposits, pipeline network structure and capacity, gas transit issues, industry players in Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Hungary, Poland,…

ID: 724313 Texas, USA

Food Service Management and Institutional Kitchen Design, Food Safety, Food Service Training, Food Operations Review, Retail Foods, FDA

His expertise in business management is related to the management of food service operations and systems. He uses his thirty five years of managing multi-unit food service facilities and his experience teaching Food Organization and Management, a upper division class…

ID: 723909 Texas, USA

Marketing and Product Development of Raw Materials for the Cosmetics Market

30 years of experience working in the cosmetics industry as a raw material supplier. Long time member of the Society of Cosmetics Chemists. Developed and marketed new hydrophilic polymers for the cosmetics industry while working for BF Goodrich as the…

ID: 723761 New Jersey, USA

Process Engineering; Project Management-PRINCE2; Process Excellence; Pharma Solid Dosage scale-up

My diverse background includes: . 16+ years of executive management experience with Pharmaceutical and Consumer goods companies such as, Abbott, Pfizer Inc. Bristol-Myers Squibb, Johnson & Johnson, and Procter & Gamble. • Over 10 years experience in Pharmaceutical Development, Engineering…

ID: 723660 California, USA

Surface Science, Polymers, Textiles, Testing Materials, Plastics, Physical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical

Expert worked for three years as the Director of RD&E for the chemical products division of Waters Inc. In addition to the direction of the research in chromatographic media he was co-inventor of 7 patents for water-wettable extraction media and…

ID: 723655 Illinois, USA

Molecular Oncology, Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer, Immunohistochemistry, Diagnostics, and Pathology

Expert trained as a classical molecular biologist using viral model systems to examine regulation of gene expression and DNA replication in bacterial and animal viruses. His post-doctoral work focused upon regulation and malignant transformation caused by human papovaviruses and adenoviruses.…

ID: 723545 California, USA

Organic, Polymer and Surface Chemistry, Bioapplications and Separation Technologies

Expert designed and synthesized multifunctional surface chemistries for modification of glass, porous silica gels, carbon and various polymeric substrates in form of the membranes, micro particles, porous monolithic blocks, and capillaries. The following methods have been used for surface functionalzation:…

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