Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Phased Array Radar Systems, Antenna, Microwave, Guidance and Control Systems
Expert has more than 20 years with defense industry (Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon). He is a Radar System Expert and Analyst of Radar System performance and Phased Array Radar Systems for more than 15 years (recently designed EQ-36 mortar radar,…

Circuit Design Engineer–Analog, Power Supply, EMI, Video, Audio, RF, Motors, Sensors, Ckt Simulation
He has extensive analog circuit design skills and he is expert in using mathematical derivation analysis of systems/circuits coupled with confirming computer modeling and simulation tools such as PSpice, Mathcad, MATLAB, and Excel. He is an expert in both the…

Electrical Engineering of Power & Control Systems, Processing Sensors, Servo Control, Prototyping
He specialized in control engineering as a senior at UNM and went to work in the Control Electronics Department at TRW in 1979 (now Northrop Grumman Space Technology) where he has been for almost 30 years. All his assignments regard…

Medical Devices, Electronic Systems, Acoustics and Hearing, Intellectual Property
Because of his long-term interest in sound and hearing, Expert has been involved with many aspects of acoustic measurement. He has developed proprietary technology for sound level measurement and noise dose determination and has utilized his skills in acoustic measurement…

Automotive Electronics (Especially Cruise Control); Audi: R&D, Investigation, NHTSA
From 1983 he was working for Audi R&D reporting to Germany but stationed in the US. While he was covering the overall vehicle technology he was primarily concentrating on automotive electronics. In 1986 when the Audi 5000 was the subject…

Machine Vision, Sensors, Analog & Digital Design, Communications
The circuit design approach that the expert uses begins with a system level point of view. He develops a detailed specification for circuit requirements in the context of the over all product. This allows him to optimize its partition among…

Mechanics (Stress, Dynamics, Test), Modeling (FEA, CFD, Chemical), Machine Design, Controls
At Cessna, Expert designed the pressure cabin, empennage, and main spar carry through for the 441 Conquest and 650 Citation 2. His other engineering responsibilities included stress measurement (strain gauges, brittle coatings), solids modeling (NASTRAN), and FAA certification report authoring.…

Electronic Engineering
Expert is an electrical engineer with extensive experience in electronic and electromechanical design. His expertise includes linear systems design and analysis, linear signal processing, system interfacing, and familiarity with C and Fortran programming languages. He has built a solid reputation…

Control Systems, Modeling, and Simulation
Expert is an expert in development, simulation, analysis, and design of various control systems: classical, adaptive, optimal, digital, multivariable, and nonlinear. Expert has expertise in classical and modern control theory, process control, system optimization, mathematical modeling, computer simulation, and system…

Electronic, Electrical, Mechanical, Forensic and Reliability Engineering.
Expert evaluates indoor air quality and determines the corrective actions that are necessary to provide a healthy environment. He analyzes a building's boilers, chillers, HVAC system, lighting, occupancy, and envelope to determine methods to conserve energy while maintaining a healthy…