Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Microbial Contamination Issues
Expert is an expert microbial investigator. He has 10 years of experience as a professional microbiology consultant in the commercial, residential and manufacturing sectors. His lab and team can perform diagnostics with microbial contaminates and manufacturing facilities. He served as…
Parasitology, Immunology, Microbiology, Bioterror Agents, Grant Writing, Med Writing, Expert Witness
Expert has extensive experience in the preparation and submission of 510(k) documents to the FDA for approval of Class II medical devices. His first work in 510(k) preparation and submission was in 1987 for acceptance of a rapid immunoassay for…
Clinical Applications, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Diagnostics, Immunology, and Custom Speaking
Expert has been involved in the identification of biological molecules associated with disease and infection with bacterial and viral agents. By applying molecular techniques to vaccine and infection models, he has identified immunological (antigenic) markers of bacterial infections of human…
Toxicology (Benzene, Solvents, Metals); Medical Science and Microbiology (Causation); Environmental (Risk Assessment)
Expert has the Ph.D. in Microbiology with 30+ years of research and teaching experience with appointments in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine; the Biomedical Sciences Department, and as Adjunct Professor of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine; and as…
Food Microbiology, Toxicology, Preservation, and Spoilage; Yeasts; Clostridia; Botulinum Toxin
Expert's primary area of research is the study of botulinum toxin in the gram-positive pathogen Clostridium botulinum. Much of his work has been devoted to methods for the prevention of toxin formation in foods. He has also contributed to the…
Food Protection: Defense & Safety: Sorbic Acid; Microbial Quality, HACCP, FDA FSMA
Expert has devoted a major portion of his career to research and teaching related to food safety issues, especially food microbiology. A special emphasis has been directed at new and traditional preservation techniques and how their modification and application influence…
Food Mycotoxicology, Mold, Aflatoxins, Toxicology
FOOD MICROBIOLOGY; MYCOLOGY; MYCOTOXICOLOGY. Expert has expertise in food microbiology, mycology, and mycotoxicology. His major research interests have included food poisoning bacteria, foodborne pathogens, food safety, and food processing to control potentially hazardous micro-organisms. He has conducted research with molds…
APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY; BIOTECHNOLOGY. Expert is an authority in biotechnology, especially biotechnological principles for food, chemical, and pharmaceutical applications. He expends significant research efforts on the genetics of industrial organisms, with the ultimate goal of isolating, overproducing, and utilizing enzymes and…