Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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HPAPIs, Pharmaceutical
Imaginative and resourceful professional with multi-faceted leadership experience in project/program management and drug development and manufacturing. Possesses key business skill sets including: strategy planning and execution, new product development, negotiation and influencing, and continuous process improvement. Strong technical skills to…

Protein aggregation, characterization, purification
Expert leads a team of exceptionally talented downstream scientists to develop scalable downstream processes for viral vectors for use in Gene, Cell and Oncolytic therapies and for Vaccine production and for therapeutics proteins and antibodies. Keywords: Process development, DSP, Downstream…

Polymer Characterization, Analytical Chemistry, Design of Experiments for Complex Problem Solving
Expert performed polymer characterization using a wide variety of analytical techniques: Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC/ GPC), Field Flow Fractionation, HPLC, Dilute Solution Viscometry, Rheology, Thermal-Mechanical Analysis (DSC, TMA, DMA), Light Scattering, Optics (Birefringence, Dichroism, Turbidity). He developed structure-property-performance relationships in…

Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
Expert has expertise and broad knowledge in Synthetic Organic Chemistry of various classes of compounds coupled with experiences and adept characterizing compounds using various NMR techniques 1-D and 2-D (COSY, HMBC, TOCSY, ROESY) diverse analytic techniques for compounds purification, use…

Analytical Chemistry: HPLC, LC-MS, Bioanalysis. R&D projectmanagement; writing of publications
Expert’s scientific expertise includes the development, optimization and validation of quantitative bioanalytical methods for small molecules, peptides and biopharmaceutical drugs as well as for their metabolites in biological fluids (plasma, urine, tissue, etc.). These methods are essential for the pharma…

Protein Purification: Hands-on, Over 50 Projects Completed, Over 75 Proteins Purified
Expert has been actively involved in hands-on protein purification since 1985. Early work involved purification of enzymes and metal-binding proteins. From 1993 to 1997, as a Senior Scientist at a major biotech company, expert had very successfully developed methods for…

Biomedical and Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Programming
Expert has performed experimental work in biochemistry for his doctoral thesis. This work included isolation of mitochondria from Neurospora crassa and rat liver, isolation and purification of membrane proteins by electrophoresis and reverse-phase chromatography, gel electrophoresis and use of radioactive…

Organic, Polymer and Surface Chemistry, Bioapplications and Separation Technologies
Expert designed and synthesized multifunctional surface chemistries for modification of glass, porous silica gels, carbon and various polymeric substrates in form of the membranes, micro particles, porous monolithic blocks, and capillaries. The following methods have been used for surface functionalzation:…

Biotechnological Pharmaceutical Chemical Process Development Design Engineering
Expert has applied his extensive background in chemical engineering in various areas including pharmaceutical process and product development; developing new products for pharmaceutical and consumer industries; process, equipment, and analytical method validation in biotechnology areas; and designing and improving various…

During eight years as a Senior Scientist in the Fluid Process Chemicals Department and as Group Leader in the Bioprocessing Research Group at Rohm and Haas, Expert developed polymeric materials with controlled morphology and functionality for applications as diverse as…