Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Electrical Power Engineering, Energy Auditing
Expert teaches a course on the theoretical and practical aspects of alternating current transformers. This course is a must for utility and industrial electrical engineers, who have the responsibility of keeping their electrical system on-line. A transformer is a very…
Materials Engineering for New Designs, Cost Reduction, and Yield Improvement
Expert's experience includes: 1) Working with mechanical and electrical engineers to help make decisions about the materials and processed used to manufacture a product. The decisions include consideration of cost, manufacturability, materials and components lot-to- lot variations, reliability, materials availability,…
Thermal Systems, New Product Development, Finite Element Analysis
Expert managed a concurrent engineering team that designed and developed the world's first commercial scroll refrigerant compressor. He was responsible for developing the compressor design, manufacturing processes and production implementation of those processes. The compressor was a commercial success, meeting…
RFID, Operations Management, R&D Strategy, Project Management, Supply Chain & Logistics
Expert R. Expert was a pioneer in the "surface mount revolution" where he developed packaging, interconnect, process, and design technologies to enable high volume, small footprint manufacturing of two-way radios, cellphones, and pagers. He has led green field factory development…
Strategic Planning, Marketing, Sales, and Business Development
Expert has a proven track record in leading technology companies as president and in C-level executive positions. He holds an MBA and is certified by the Small Business Administration. His experience includes raising private financing, negotiating and setting up strategic…
Reliability Engineering; Robot & Medical Device Reliability & Safety; Human Reliability
Expert S. Expert has worked for a number of years in this industry. Over the years, he has developed many techniques and models to predict the reliability and safety of engineering systems including computers, mechanical equipment, robotic systems, and electrical…
Product Development, Sensors & Actuators, Innovation Strategy, IoT Strategy, Failure Analysis
Expert has experience developing products at the device level and at the consumer level. He does so by using the existing concepts and theories of physics, chemistry, electrochemistry, and materials engineering. His experience includes developing sensors and algorithms for custom…
Magnetic Recording and Data Analysis
Expert has over 20 years of experience in the development of magnetic disks for hard disk drives. His early experience includes work with the spin coating of particulate disks for a number of rigid disk cartridges, packs, and fixed disk…
Microcontroller-based Product Design
Most of the projects expert has been involved with have been real-time dependent. He has designed high-speed bit-slice-based data acquisition units for military aircraft radar, high-speed machinery controls, home automation, cordless telephones, fitness equipment, arcade games, and other consumer products.…
Lasers, Optics, Electro-Optics, Fiber-Optics, and Applications
Expert is thoroughly familiar with most types of gas, solid state, and semiconductor lasers. He contributed to the development of a diode-pumped solid-state lasers. He made design improvements to various continuous wave and flashlamp pumped solid state lasers to improve…