Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Semiconductor Technology
Since 1960, Expert (pronounced rye-chowdree) has made extensive contributions to materials and semiconductor technology. During his early years with Westinghouse, he conducted pioneering work in the areas of silicon epitaxy, selective epitaxy, and polysilicon. He has made significant contributions in…
Electronic Reliability & On-Chip ESD Protection
Expert currently works on predicting the electric breakdown of silicon dioxide gate dielectric. He is knowledgeable of the electric breakdown characteristics of silicon and air. Additionally, he has studied the effects of electric field on the reliability of semiconductor devices.…
Polymer Coating Technologies
Expert has designed numerous formulations serving commercial and industrial coating needs. Expert has experience in the development of coating products for graphic arts, inks, paints, lacquers, elastomerics, adhesives, chemically resistant coatings, decorative coatings, photosensitive coatings, anti-corrosive, and abrasive coatings. The…
Design for Manufacturability, Mass Customization, Build-to-Order, Concurrent Engineering
Expert is a const reduction expert that helps companies reduce cost as much as half the total cost through product development and cost savings through on-demand production and spontaneous (pull based) supply chains. He has developed leading-edge methodologies that show…
Analog, Feedback, Control Systems, Consumer Products, Patents
Expert is an expert in analog circuit design, implemented in discreet or integrated form. His experience ranges from nanovolt, low noise to high speed (nanosecond). He has created cost-effective designs for "small scale" to "consumer product" volume manufacture for service…
Microwaves, Wireless, Spectrum Management, Antennas, Satellite Communications, Remote Sensing, etc.
ANTENNA; MICROWAVE ANTENNA; SENSE ANTENNA. Expert has been involved in design of parabolic antennas and pointing systems for space communication and terrestrial systems. He has also developed antennas for remote sensing systems such as radiometers, radars, and radar warning receivers.…
Food Additives and Ingredients, Food Processing
Expert has had over 30 years of experience in food research and food processing technologies. He has engaged in the formulation and preservation of food throughout his professional career. He is familiar with the composition, classification, methods of preservation, nutritional…
Industrial Hygiene, Diacetyl, Peroxyacetic Acid, Formaldehyde, Asbestos, Ventilation, Regulations, Silica, Workplace & Environmental Noise, Ultrasound, Ultraviolet
Expert has worked as a Senior Industrial Hygienist for over 30 years, during much of that time he was a professor in the field. His extensive knowledge base lends a helping hand as a consultant and expert witness. His passion…
Cryogenic Materials
AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL. Expert has expertise in the development of new nitrogen-strengthened steels. He was the U.S. representative to the High Nitrogen in Steels International Conference. He has also published three review papers and about 50 technical papers on low-temperature…
Lighting, Vision Ergonomics and Efficiency
LIGHTING & VISION ERGONOMICS; WORKPLACE RADIATION; VIDEO DISPLAY TERMINAL HEALTH EFFECT; OPTICAL RADIATION SAFETY. Expert has worked with numerous medical, technical, and end-user groups to develop new testing systems for visual stress and means of testing the lighting environment and…