Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 726949 New Jersey, USA

Supply Chain Management – including Logistics, Planning, & Manufacturing

Expert is an Operations Executive with thirty five years of consumer products industry experience in the Supply Chain functions at Unilever, Bestfoods, Nabisco Brands and Colgate Palmolive. His experience includes assignments in a variety of disciplines including Logistics and Customer…

ID: 726564 Florida, USA

Firearms Functioning, Design, Manufacturing; History & Identification, Gunsmithing, Ballistics, Ammunition, Airguns

Expert Witness - Firearms, 30 years’ experience: Testified in State and Federal Courts, patent, liability, and criminal cases. Books have been cited as "Best Evidence" Qualified in firearms functioning, firearms technology, firearms history, firearms identification, and ballistics (interior, exterior, terminal…

ID: 726545 Kentucky, USA

Technical Group Management: Environment Health & Safety, Quality Assurance, Project Management

As the former Director of Engineering for Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation, Expert has extensive experience in the management of diverse technical activities. Those activities included engineering design, construction, process development, information systems, process control, manufacturing planning, project analysis, capital…

ID: 726398 California, USA

High Tech Systems Manufacturing Operations

He has an extensive experience in Design for Assembly of High Tech Systems. He has set up the Assembly process to be smooth with out need for highly customized steps. He has achieved this by breaking the assembly to simple…

ID: 726108 Illinois, USA

Chemicals, Industrial Chemicals, Household Chemicals, Hazardous Materials, Aerosols, Paint, Coatings, Labels and Warnings, Chemical Exposure, and Chemical Accidents

Chemical expert who specializes in household chemical products, industrial chemicals, chemical exposure, chemical accidents, paint and coatings, aerosols, labels and warnings, laboratory testing & analysis. Consulting in chemical area multiple times. He is an experienced expert witness, and has testified…

ID: 725959 Turkey

EU, KfW, EIB, EBRD and Worldbank Procurement, Construction Site Management, Civil Engineering

He has 20 years of experience in construction works: 6 years as consultant, 9 years as contractor and 5 years as civil servant. As he worked so many years in a managerial position he also has experience in claim management,…

ID: 725947 India

Solar Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal Energy, Thin Films, Thick Films, Professional Electronics

Experienced in thermal battery design and production. Thermal batteries find application in missiles and other aero space applications. Experienced in processes and manufacturing of solar photovoltaic devices such as solar cells, solar modules. Also experienced in processes and manufacturing of…

ID: 725729 United Kingdom

Hydrocarbon Measurement and Multiphase Flow

• Responsible for all aspects of Fiscal and allocation metering. Providing advice on new technologies to include multiphase metering and Coriolis metering for oil and gas applications and evaluate bids and supervise contractor. • Experienced in the design, operation and…

ID: 725369 Louisiana, USA

Construction/Project Management, Trenchless Technology, FEMA PA, Disaster/Emergency Management

Expert has extensive experience in business process re-engineering. He has support various integration and standardization initiatives across various industries and geographies across North America. Expert has 20+ years experience in this field dating back to 1994 Expert has a broad…

ID: 725332 Pennsylvania, USA

Legacy Application Support: Manage, Measure, Improve Using ITIL V3 Service Management Life Cycle

Exper spent 10 years as Director of MIS for the Revlon Health Care, Pharmaceutical Division and managed all IT activities for 5 companies within the division. Major accomplishments were designing and implementing complex pharmaceutical order processing/distribution system and integrating it…

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