Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Structural Failure Analysis and Design, Including Thermal and Non-Linear Analysis
Expert W. Expert has been involved in finding the causes and fixing thermal stress problems since the mid 1970s. These problems have been related to thick walled boiler components, heat exchangers, fluid beds, and fuel cells as well as high…

Sensing & Measurements, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State, & Thermal & Optical Technology
Expert received his Ph.D. in condensed-matter physics. He used quantum mechanics and Surface Green Function techniques to calculate electronic states and electronic bands at metallic superlattices, discovering, for example, the existence--under determined conditions-of the so-called Fermi beaches with high density…

Corrosion and Metallurgical Failure Analysis
Expert notes that corrosion is a major problem that affects many industries. Expert has spent over forty years studying and solving corrosion problems in the construction, aerospace, defense, petroleum, utility and related industries. He was also the technical editor of…

Mechanical and Electrical Design and Failure Analysis
Expert has over 35 years of experience in failure analysis, design, damage mechanics (corrosion, fracture, fatigue, creep, etc.) and risk assessment of: structures; cable structures and systems; stadium roofs; industrial equipment; turbines and reciprocating engines; automotive and aircraft components; offshore…

Fiber Reinforced Polymers, Composite Materials, Design, and Marketing
Expert has conducted engineering and marketing studies with composite materials for more than 30 years. His clients include large chemical companies, material suppliers, weavers, equipment manufacturers, and composite fabricators. Expert's engineering projects have included the product and technological introduction of…

Process Instrumentation and Control
Expert specified and applied analog instrumentation in manufacturing and process control for a wide range of industries, using a variety of instruments and input/ouput devices. He has also used his expertise to troubleshoot systems once installed. Expert designed and applied…

Chemical Process Engineering
Expert has over 40 years of experience as a process engineer and project manager on new facilities for food, flavors, fragrances, fine chemicals, resins, and tall oils. He has taken the lead in driving R&D and manufacturing groups toward efficiency…

Pressure Vessels and Piping
PRESSURE VESSEL; PRESSURE PIPING SYSTEM. Expert has designed hundreds of pressure vessels for the petroleum, chemical, nuclear, and other industries. He is an acknowledged expert in the design, material selection, welding, and quality assurance in this area. ASME BOILER AND…

Plastics Selection, Design, Compound, Processing, Testing, Failure, Pipes and Membrane
Expert is an expert in plastic piping, having in-depth knowledge of polyethylene pipe, PE gas pipe, PVC pipe, ABS pipe, crosslinked-polyethylene (PEX) pipe, polybutylene pipe, and related fittings. He is equally proficient with pipe joining processes using solvent cement and…

Brewing Science
ExpertMichael Expert is an expert in all aspects of converting barley (or other grains) into malts and processing malts into beers and related products using standard brewery practices. He has expertise in designing new processes for specific objectives including non-alcoholic…