Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Enzyme and Protein Technology
Expert has devoted much of his career to derivatization of surfaces, development of methods for immobilization of ligands, and characterization of affinity matrices. He pioneered development of the technique of analytical affinity chromatography and has used this technique to characterize…
Environmental Contamination Detection, Environmental Contamination Remediation
PESTICIDE RESIDUE ANALYSIS. Expert has over 15 years experience in developing and executing analytical methods for pesticides and other contaminates in foods, beverages and the environment. He is skilled in experimental design, sampling, and reporting organization. He is fully familiar…
Nuclear Oil Well Logging
NUCLEAR OIL WELL LOGGING; HYDROCARBON DETECTION. Expert (Expert initially, then Expert) is a physicist with extensive knowledge of nuclear oil well logging. His primary area of focus has been on neutron and gamma-ray transport to determine the presence of hydrocarbons…
Communications, Radar, Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, Antennas, Propagation, and System Design
Expert has his main technical strengths in signal processing, all aspects of RF (including antennas, propagation, and microwave subsystems) and system and component design and analysis. His experience spans more than 27 years in the fields of radar, electronic warfare,…
Engineering Analysis and Modeling
ENGINEERING ANALYSIS; COMPUTER MODELING; COMPUTER MATHEMATICS; PHYSICS MODELING. Expert and his colleagues run a small company dedicated to problem solving and research in the engineering and physical sciences. They are experienced in computer modeling of engineering systems (thermal, mechanical, fluid,…
Technology Licensing and Intellectual Property Management, Oil Well Logging, Acoustic Forensics
Expert served as a technology and licensing consultant to numerous technology-based companies and during the period from 1994 to 2000, managed the worldwide licensing of Mobil Oil Corporation's exploration and producing technologies. As principal of Expert Technology Licensing, he now…
Electrical Ceramics, Ceramic Capacitors, Ceramic Processing, Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics,
Expert has 50 years of experience in ceramic processing and properties of electrical ceramics, including capacitors,multilayer ceramic capacitors, insulators, dielectrics, inductors, resistors, thermistors, sensors, transducers, varistors, superconductors, and thin-layer capacitors. He has 10 years of industrial experience and 36 years…
Material Analysis/Spectroscopy
During the past 15 years, Expert's research has become increasingly oriented toward vibrational spectroscopy, particularly Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. In the early 1980s, he developed modern step-scan FT-IR instrumentation for photoacoustic and photothermal spectroscopy of surfaces and opaque or…
Lab Automation, LIMS, Validation & Data Analysis
Expert has developed validation plans and executed validation protocols on laboratory computer systems, laboratory information management systems, instruments and instrument data systems. He has consulted for several major pharmaceutical companies and teaches a course on chromatography data system validation at…
Precision Mechanical Device Design and Manufacture, Laser Processing, etc.
Expert and his associates are experts in laser processing of most common materials. These materials include dissimilar materials welding, photoablation of ceramics and polymers using the excimer laser, and high-pressure laser cutting. Expert's company has all Employer types of industrial…