Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 108283 Texas, USA

Adhesion Bonding, Plastic Surface Treatments, Plastics Decorating, Finishing, Coating, Laser Marking

Expert has extensive experience diagnosing adhesion problems and implementing cost effective solutions for bonding/ joining like and dissimilar materials. He received a US patent for a bonding process which yields superior adhesion strength forces for commercial and military products. His…

ID: 711984 California, USA

CFC Alternatives, Electronics; Circuit Board; Circuit Board Solvents; Chlorofluorocarbon

Expert was responsible for developing and evaluating new products for their ability to substitute for CFC-113 solvents in electronics defluxing and industrial cleaning applications. He directed and managed the testing of two products for the IPC/DoD/EPA Phase 2 Test; both…

ID: 715235 South Carolina, USA

Wood Science, Wood Chemistry, Wood Coatings, Recycling

Expert has been involved in research in weathering of wood for the past 20 years. He studies wood discoloration, surface oxidation, and surface protections. He uses electron spin resonance to characterize free radicals (formation, termination) and mechanisms of weathering. He…

ID: 108444 Minnesota, USA

Polymer Coating Technologies

Expert has designed numerous formulations serving commercial and industrial coating needs. Expert has experience in the development of coating products for graphic arts, inks, paints, lacquers, elastomerics, adhesives, chemically resistant coatings, decorative coatings, photosensitive coatings, anti-corrosive, and abrasive coatings. The…

ID: 716672 Texas, USA

Colloid Chemistry, Coolant & Antifreeze Formulations, Organic Coatings & Shelf Life, etc.

COOLANT FLUID; ANTIFREEZE FLUID. Expert has expertise in the formulation of colloidal suspensions, such as Latex, antifreeze, and coolant formulations. He has acted a an expert witness in lawsuits involving antifreeze formulations. ORGANIC COATING MATERIAL; PAPER COATING. He has over…

ID: 108249 Georgia, USA

Food Technology, Product Development/Optimization, Food Quality, Anti-oxidants, Sensory, Consumer

Expert is internationally recognized for her expertise in sensory evaluation of food products and associated packaging. She heads the sensory evaluation program at the Employer, which is ranked among the top five sensory science programs in the country. As a…

ID: 107684 Ohio, USA

Silicone, RTV Rubber

ROOM TEMPERATURE VULCANIZING (RTV) RUBBER; SILICONE ELASTOMER. Expert spent a significant portion of his career in the area of silicone RTVs. He has applied his expertise in developing new processes, test techniques, and troubleshooting manufacturing systems. His work has led…

ID: 108504 North Carolina, USA

Selection of Structural Adhesives for Plastics, Metals, & Composites in Production

ADHESION TO FIBERGLASS, ELASTOMER, GLASS, METAL, PLASTIC, SPECIFIC MATERIAL. For over 30 years, Expert's has been involved in the detailed matching of structural adhesives for all substrates when used within a production environment, with particular emphasis on plastic assembly with…

ID: 720790 Massachusetts, USA

Failure Analysis of Materials

MATERIAL FAILURE ANALYSIS; ADHESIVE FAILURE; COMPOSITE FAILURE; METAL FAILURE. Expert's (pronounced Wall-teen) principal occupation has been in the analysis of failures of machine components, including orthopedic (surgical) implants. Materials analyzed include metals and alloys of all types, polymers, elastomers, composites,…

ID: 720194 North Carolina, USA

Mixing, Pilot Plants, Scaleup, Atomization, Agglomeration, Evaporation, Heat Exchangers

Expert has extensive knowledge of mixing operations needed in the chemical, petrochemical, and biochemical industries. His knowledge includes the proper selection of effective mixing geometries and the power requirements needed by a mixing unit in either laminar or turbulent applications.…

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