Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 724976 Texas, USA

Antitrust, Banking, Damages, Demography, Discrimination, Finance; IP Surveys, Statistics, Economics

Expert and his firm are responsible for all Quality Control on all litigation support activities for the Department of Justice. With an office of 15 professionals in the Washington DC metro area, they sample and evaluate the work of multiple…

ID: 724955 Ohio, USA

Issue Management/Crisis Communication

When engaged in issues or in crisis it is important that your communications are well grounded in facts and your actions are ethical and above reproach. This includes being proactive, not defensive. In a crisis situation it is critical to…

ID: 724925 New Zealand

Parasitology, Immunology, Agricultural Systems

He has many years research experience in understanding and mitigating the impact of a range of agricultural pests such as parasitic worms and ticks. He has carried out numerous small and large animal drug efficacy and residue trials which have…

ID: 724866 New York, USA

Toxicology, Environmental Medicine, Biochemistry, Cancer Causation, DNA Damage & Repair, Genetics, Arsenic, Metals

Expert has published about 120 articles, mostly on metal carcinogenesis and environmental toxicology, with an emphasis on arsenic. She was first to report on the comutagenicity of arsenic and later developed the only animal model of arsenic-induced skin cancer. She…

ID: 724855 Florida, USA

Industrial Hygiene and Safety, Infection Controls, Risk Assessment & Management, Investigation, etc.

He has worked in industry and as a consultant to industry performing injury and illness investigation and root cause analysis. Rate reduction requires an understanding of the contributing causes. As causes and key contributing factors were identified, physical conditions, programs,…

ID: 724848 New Jersey, USA

Chemical Company Site and Corporate Crisis Management Planning and Security Assessment

He has over 25 years in chemical plant manufacturing as well as 2 years as Corporate Safety Director. Operating a safe plant is key to a successful manufacturing operation. As plant manager he reduced an OSHA injury rate of over…

ID: 724840 Nevada, USA

Optical Science and Engineering

Expert has applied his optical engineering expertise to designing, building, calibrating and testing pushbroom imaging spectrometers for remote sensing and surveillance applications. Wavelength ranges for the various instruments were visible and near infrared (400 nm to 1100 nm) and longwave…

ID: 724822 Canada

Environmental Molecular Microbiology, Ecology, Bacteriology, Waterborne Pathogens, E. coli

Expert earned his Ph.D. degree in Veterinary Microbiology (Bacteriology) and substantial years of postdoctoral experience in Environmental health and Toxicology. This makes him more multitask and diverse research in both fields. His experience with mastitis causing bacterial pathogens such as…

ID: 724785 India

Chemical Process Safety Management, Plant Protection, Risk Management, Chemical Plants

He has hands on 25 years experience in design, project execution, commissioning and operation in chemical process industries which includes fertiliser, petrochemical, bulk drugs, fine chemicals, petroleum, oil & gas plants. He was recognised by international technology suppliers such as…

ID: 724745 California, USA

Due Diligence, Competitive Differentiation, Science Scouting, Innovation Assessment, Research Tools, Expert Witness, Cancer Biomarkers, Cancer Immunology, Assay Development, Research Devices

Developed multiple novel immunoassays and immunology products for start-up biotechnology company. Founding Director, Research and Development for privately held company in San Diego. Oversaw innovation and entrepreneurship at Mitchell Cancer Institute resulting in 5 spin-out biotechnology companies in the area…

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