Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Forensic Economic Consulting, Economic Damages; W/D, Medical Malpractice, P/I, EEO
For more than thirty years Expert has been a Forensic Economic Consultant, assisting attorneys in the evaluation of economic damages in a wide variety of issues, including medical malpractice, wrongful death, personal injury, wrongful termination, business loss, employment discrimination, and…

Forensic & Clinical Psychology – Malingering, Trauma, Harassment, Employment Issues and Claim of Psychological Injury
Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Nurse Specialist (psychiatric/mental health) uses her more than 30 years of experience to provide psychological assessments and expert witness consulting in employment, personal injury, civil rights, disability and psychological & medical malpractice cases. Issues addressed include…

Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology: Enzymology, Protein Biochemistry, Industry
As a researcher in plant molecular biology, he published scientific data relevant for genetic modification of crops. He generated and characterized genetically modified plants, and published these data in peer-reviewed scientific journals. This research, and tangential research, allowed him to…

Architectural Structural and Forensic Engineering
His degree is a Bachelors of Architectural Engineering where he learned the application of engineering principles and technology to building design and construction. His specialty is in Structural Engineering but he took advanced courses in HVAC design as well as…

Experienced expert witness in personal injury, malpractice and wrongful death cases, Autopsy pathology, slide and record review. Expert is and an Independent Medical Examiner. Internal Medicine, Forensic Pathology and Toxicology. Board Certified in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. Expert is board…

Water Pollution, Toxic Chemicals, Pesticides
Expert’s specialty is in the analytical chemistry of natural and anthropogenic compounds. She has used modern chromatography and spectroscopy instrumentation for analysis of organic and inorganic compounds in air, water and soil. She has published several articles on the use…

Neuropharmacology, Aging, Brain Injury, Memory Impairments, Imaging, Neurodegenerative Disorders
Expert has worked on several projects involving Alzheimer's disease (AD). In particular, he has used genetically engineered mouse models to test ideas and answer questions related to how biological memory might be affected by AD pathophysiology. In addition, he has…

Medical Consulting, Medical Writing, Effective Ad Strategies Targeting Physicians
Expert is a physician and medical writer with 16 years of experience. He has written research protocols and completed the studies while at NYU Medical Center. While in clinical practice, he published 8 articles in medical journals and published 5…

Design for Manufacturability, Mass Customization, Build-to-Order, Concurrent Engineering
Expert is a const reduction expert that helps companies reduce cost as much as half the total cost through product development and cost savings through on-demand production and spontaneous (pull based) supply chains. He has developed leading-edge methodologies that show…